The Antagonist [In Portuguese “O Antagonista”]
The Workers' Party (PT) wants to involve Interin President Temer in Odebrecht's plea-bargaining session
Brazil 09:58
Michel Temer can be mentioned in the denunciation of Odebrecht.
So says the Worker's Party (PT)'s follower columnist from “Folha de S. Paulo”, Monica Bergamo.
"The contractor gave resources to the PMDB in the 2014 campaign, when Temer was running for vice president on the ticket of Dilma Rousseff. The PT would have participated in the negotiations for the allocation of money to the vice party.
The amounts allocated to the party, according to people familiar with the whistleblower, could reach $ 50 million. "
The fee PT therefore would have been used to buy the PMDB.
This is how the Worker's Party (PT) wish to regain power?
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Truths about Petrobras
blog intends to contribute to the understanding of what is
happening and what will probably happen to Petrobras, the
Brazilian state-owned oil company. It will be shown that
Petrobras has sunk as a result of a deliberate political use by
the leftist, criminal Workers' Party (known in Brazil simply as
PT), which includes Lula, the former Brazil's President, and
Dilma Rousseff, the current President. Under the PT
administration in the last 13 years, Petrobras has plunged into a
sea of corruption with negative consequences for its image, for
its partner companies, for Brazil as a whole, and certainly for
all shareholders. This blog sustains that the massive corruption
scandal and poor results of Petrobras must not be perceived as
simple management errors, but as the essence of the PT's
management model.
Tag Archives: Odebrecht
Life As It Is in Brazilian Politics
By Peter Rywka on | Leave a comment
I took
the liberty of translating and summarizing some of the best
recent posts of O Antagonista,
including only a few comments in brackets, about the political
underworld in Brazil and how delicate and tragic is the situation
Before the impeachment be approved in the Lower House, the continuity of Renan Calheiros in of the Senate Presidency was an obstacle to the ouster of Dilma Rousseff. Now, with the impeachment to be voted in the Senate, the stay of Renan Calheiros as President of Senate is crucial to the ultimate fall of Dilma Rousseff….
…Rodrigo Janot (the General Prosecutor of Brazil, named by Dilma, has requested the arrest of Renan Calheiros, Romero Jucá and Eduardo Cunha (all from PMDB). [Lula and Dilma have been forgotten despite of the tapped conversation between them, being Dilma in full exercise of her functions. The case is with Judge Teori Zavascki, the same who is holding the cases against Lula]…
…If Renan Calheiros is ousted, Jorge Viana [from PT] takes over the Senate Presidency in the most delicate phase of the impeachment process. Further, Viana will be in the line of succession in case of the absence of Michel Temer. [I would also add in case of the murder of Temer]…
…Marcelo Odebrecht, the former CEO of Odebrecht sentenced to 19 years in prison by his involvement with the Petrobras corruption schema, are going to give a testemony in plea agreement on a plot to spoil the investigations involving Márcio Thomaz Bastos [former Minister of Justice of Lula from 2003 to 2007] and José Eduardo Cardozo [the former Minister of Justice of Dilma from 2011 until this year]. However, Rodrigo Janot has no interest in this subject…
…The Janot’s plan is to put the Jorge Viana in charge of the Senate Presidency to block the Dilma’s impeachment. Only this can explain the fact that when Renan played the game in favor of Dilma, he was spared by Janot, but when he was no longer useful, he became to be treated as an enemy…
…Temer are going to travel to Uruguay in early July to a Mercosur meeting [which rings a bell for me: the mysterious death of the Brazil opposition presidential candidate Eduardo Campos in an air crash in August, 2014]. Who will be in his place? Renan, who can be arrested? Waldir Maranhão? [Just to remind, Maranhão is the interim President of the Lower House, who led the shameful attempt of nullifying the impeachment that had been led by Eduardo Cunha just to go back on his decision right after?]…
….In the conversations recorded by Sérgio Machado, Renan Calheiros, José Sarney [former Senate President several times and former Brazil President from 1985 to 1990] and Romero Jucá discuss the need to pass a law preventing testimonies of arrested whistleblowers [the main weapon of Car Wash]. They were talking about the Law Project 4372/2016, made by [the PT federal representative] Wadih Damous. PT and PMDB are part of the same [political project that was led by PT]…
…Rui Falcão [the current PT President] said that his party will not prohibit alliances with PMDB in municipal elections [that will happen in October this year]. Yes, the PMDB that is being accused to have made a “coup” [by PT, Dilma, Lula, and many dumb, naive, or malicious international journalists]. It is the pragmatism of those who know that will die.
none of these boring, embarrassing details is commented, at least
in a clear way, by newspapers like The New York Times, The
Economist, the Brazilian Brazil 247, or Glenn Greenwald.
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category | Tagged: Brasil,
wash, corruption,
Campos, Eduardo
Cunha, impeachment,
Viana, José
Eduardo Cardozo, José
Sarney, lava
Jato, Lula,
Odebrecht, Odebrecht,
PT, Renan
Calheiros, Rodrigo
Janot, Romero
Jucá, Rui
Falcão, Sérgio
Machado, Temer,
Zavascki, Wadih
Damous, Waldir
Maranhão, Worker’s
The Race of Whistleblowers
By Peter Rywka on | Leave a commentThe blog O Antagonista, citing the Brazilian newspaper Estadão, has reported:
Leaders and former ministers of PT [the Dilma’s party] claim that Marcelo Odebrecht, arrested since last year in Curitiba, should give details and provide evidence of contributions from his business conglomerate to the Dilma Rousseff 2010 and 2014 presidential campaign…
[On the other hand]
The Michel Temer is concerned about the “increasing political instability” derived from the Sérgio Machado’s leak [a former President of Transpetro, a fully owned subsidiary of Petrobras and the largest oil and gas transportation company of Brazil, named by Lula and kept by Dilma].
Michel Temer is not directly implicated in the Machado’s testimony, but important pillars of its support base [in the Congress] appear in the bargaining agreement and the conversations of former executive of Transpetro.
Anticipating the impeachment definition has become a priority for Temer.The audios revealed by Machado involve notorious political personalities, such as Renan Calheiros, the current Senate President, and José Sarney, former Senate and President of Brazil. Both are from PMDB (the Temer’s party), and they were allies of Dilma until very recently. Although it may have some political implications, in fact the leaked audios so far only contain suggestions of political unethical desires to stop the Operation Car Wash. That audios add more mud to the reputation of Brazilian politicians, but there is nothing that compromises the impeachment process.
If the PMDB politicians in question had any real power today on investigators of Operation Car Wash or on the Supreme Court, why would Eduardo Cunha, also a PMDB member, not have been saved (not ousted from the presidency of the Lower House)? How to conceive that PMBD would have the power that PT did not have on the operation which is devastating politicians in spite of being in power for 13 years doing everything for continuing to stay there?
Now, PT is trying to capitalize on the leak, but it might be innocuous in the political context (even though perhaps advantageous for Machado) unless something new more relevant arises. Regarding to the Marcelo Odebrecht’s testimony, in this case the risk for Dilma is even higher, that is, burying the speech that a coup would be taking place in Brazil.
Posted in: Without
category | Tagged: Brasil,
wash, corruption,
Cunha, lava
Jato, Odebrecht,
PT, Renan
Calheiros, Temer,
The Week for Petrobras – May 16 to 22
By Peter Rywka on | Leave a commentOn Thursday 19th: Pedro Parente, newly named CEO of Petrobras replacing Aldemir Bendine, said there would be no political appointments at the troubled company. The board of the company will meet on Monday to formalize his nomination.
*** *** ***
On Thursday 19th: Odebrecht, the Brazil’s largest construction company, is taking a legal action of $221 million against Petrobras for fraud, along with a few other shipyards operators, according to Bloomberg.
*** *** ***
On Tuesday 17th: Petrobras has launched a US$6.75bn two-part bond sale after generating a book of close to US$20bn.
The Situation Worsened for The Former Dilma’s Political Marketer
By Peter Rywka on | Leave a commentJudge Sérgio Moro accepted on Friday two complaints for corruption and money laundering offered by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) against João Santana, the former Dilma’s marketer of 2014 campaign, and his wife, Mônica Moura. Other targets of this additional criminal lawsuits were the former President of Odebrecht Marcelo Odebrecht and the former PT treasurer João Vaccari Neto, who have already been convicted by the Operation Car Wash.
Posted in: Without
category | Tagged: car
wash, corruption,
Jato, MPF,
Moro, Worker’s
Winning Some Battles, but Still Losing the War
By Peter Rywka on | Leave a commentThe Brazilian Federal Prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol, one of the members of the task force of Operation Car Wash, said on Monday (27) that the punishment for the crimes of corruption in Brazil is “a sick joke”. He added that “currently, corrupt people can be arrested at most 12 years in prison, but there is no supervision of law enforcement and there is a great risk of crimes lose the expiration time.”
According Dallagnol, “Car Wash does not change Brazil. But the following ten steps (proposed by him) can change it”:
1) Investment in preventing corruption;
2) Criminalization of illicit enrichment of public officials;
3) Adequate punishment of corruption, making those involving high amounts heinous crime;
4) Increase the efficiency and fairness of resources in the criminal proceedings;
5) increasing the efficiency of the actions of administrative improbity;
6) Adjustments in criminal expiration against impunity and corruption;
7) Adjustments in criminal nullities against impunity and corruption;
8) Making political parties be consider criminally responsible and criminalization of illegal accounting and electoral money laundering;
9) Preventive detention to prevent the loss of the footprint of illegal money;
10) Measures to recover the profits of crime.
In 17 years, Petrobras’s Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) made by Brazilian congress saw nothing irregular in the state company. Since 1998, Petrobras was investigated by 4 CPIs, including the current one. Although there were suspicions of overpricing in the works of the Abreu e Lima refinery and bribery payments to the oil company high officials, congressmen of these commissions always turned a blind eye on this irregularities. Suspects, who have now become defendants in Operation Car Wash, were not even heard. And the reports submitted by these CPIs devoted more pages to discuss the importance of Petrobras than to point out its irregularities.
The the Federal Prosecutor’s Office stated that the contractor company Andrade Gutierrez uses corrupt practices and payment of bribes as a true “business model”.
My comment:
From my perspective, corruption is the business model of all contractors, Petrobras and most companies in Brazil. There is no capitalism in Brazil. There has never been. At most, there is in the banana and bribes republic a kind of crony capitalism in which a harmful symbiosis between companies and a huge state is established with the propose of meeting the particular interests of corrupt politicians and businessmen. The chavismo (the political movement started by Hugo Chavez) in Latin America is only a way of perpetuating it and then betray the business and political allies when it is possible to take power without the help of them.
All this corruption is the most important factor of misery faced by so many millions of Brazilians and their neighbors. Therefore, to the Dallagnol’ list, I would add the institution of the death penalty for politician and businessmen linked to corruption schemes the size of the Car Wash. But this is just an opinion with no practical effect. The truth is that the war against the corruption is very far from being won.
Posted in: Without
category | Tagged: Andrade
Gutierrez, Brasil,
wash, corruption,
Chavez, lava
Jato, MPF,
Money Laundering Scheme Made by Petrobras, Odebrecht, and Others
By Peter Rywka on | Leave a commentLast Friday, the Brazilian Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) formalized to Justice the most important accusation of the Car Wash since the beginning of that operation in March 2014 against the President of Odebrecht, Marcelo Odebrecht, the President of Andrade Gutierrez, Otavio Marques de Azevedo, twenty other executives and former employees of both companies, lobbyists, the dollar black market dealer, Alberto Youssef, and the former Petrobras Director of Services, Renato Duque. Among the crimes was pointed out corruption, money laundering and criminal organization.
The next step of the Judge Sergio Moro, responsible for legal proceeding of the Operation Car Wash, will be to analyze the evidences presented by the prosecutors and decide whether or not all those who are being investigated will become into defendants. By the end of May, 117 people had been denounced by the Car Wash task force in Curitiba. Other authorities, such as Representatives and Senators who have privileged rights are being investigated in Brasília (DF).
The MPF was able to document the practice of 56 acts of corruption and 136 money laundry to benefit Odebrecht. R$ 389 million was related to corruption and a little bit more than R$ 1 billion was related to money laundry. According to the prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol, the request for reimbursement to the public coffers is of R$ 6.7 billion. Only the supply contract of naphtha by Braskem to Petrobras caused a loss of R$ 6 billion.
“Petrobras has failed and may have contributed to the criminal scheme has been perpetuated for so long,” said the Federal Police Chief Eduardo Mauat.
Note: This image was cropped and only translated from the site of Veja magazine (http://veja.abril.com.br/)
Source: http://veja.abril.com.br/noticia/brasil/mp-denuncia-odebrecht-e-mais-21-por-corrupcao-lavagem-e-organizacao-criminosa
Posted in: Without
category | Tagged: Braskem,
wash, corruption,
Jato, Odebrecht,
Multi-Billion Dollar Loss with a Contract between Petrobras and Braskem
By Peter Rywka on | Leave a commentLast Friday, the Brazilian Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) made a charge within the scope of the Operation Car Wash against executives of Odebrecht and Andrade Gutierrez, claiming losses caused by a naphtha sales contract estimated at R$ 6 billion between Braskem and Petrobras. Braskem is a Brazilian petrochemical company controlled by Odebrecht and its second largest shareholder is Petrobras itself.
Source: http://www.valor.com.br/empresas/4149476/braskem-volta-defender-contratos-de-nafta-com-petrobras
Where Is Graça Foster?
By Peter Rywka on | Leave a commentAt the beginning of this week, the former Petrobras President Graça Foster was not found by Judicial Officers who tried to notify her to testify in the case against the former Odebrecht executive Marco Antonio Duran. The legal proceedings deals with irregularities in contracts of Odebrecht related to more than US$ 800 million abroad.
Source: http://epoca.globo.com/tempo/expresso/noticia/2015/07/graca-foster-nao-foi-encontrada-por-oficiais-de-justica-que-tentavam-intima-la-para-depor.html
My comment:
Even though Foster already was a close friend of Dilma before she had been fired from Petrobras, in this hard times for the Brazil’s President, I do not think it is impossible imagine Dilma asking for the “friend’s” head just to try showing a good service in fighting corruption. It will be very exciting to see posters of “wanted” addressed to Foster.
Cardozo, the Private Justice Minister of Dilma
By Peter Rywka on | Leave a commentPublished on http://www.bidnessetc.com/
Petroleo Brasileiro Petrobras SA (ADR) (PBR) Scandal Update: Justice Minister Warns Of ‘Grave’ Consequences
Brazilian oil producer Petroleo Brasileiro Petrobras SA (ADR) (NYSE:PBR) has been surrounded by a controversial scandal that prompted a federal investigation in March last year. The latest development in the scandal sees the country’s Justice Minister, Jose Eduardo Cardozo, claiming that authorities investigating the case will be punished if they are found guilty of having used bugs without authorization.
In March 2014, a federal investigation was started after Brazilian prosecutors accused Petrobras executives of working with a cartel of engineering firms, as they looked to smuggle funds out of the oil company’s accounts via a contract kickbacks scheme. Petrobras was overcharged by its contractors, with the excess amounts being shared by corrupt company executives and construction firms.
The investigation, which has been ongoing for more than 16 months, has led to over 100 arrests, including three former Petrobras executives. Joao Vaccari Neto, the Treasurer of the Workers’ Party, joined the list of high-profile arrests after federal police detained him in April.Read the whole article here
My comment:
Dilma has tried to sell the idea that she was supporting the investigations of Operation Car Wash, but what she wants now, in an explicit way and at any cost, is to stop it. It may be too late for her to try to stop the operation, as Lula wants also. Now it might be necessary to silence all opposition forces.
The Power of Influence of Odebrecht on Petrobras
By Peter Rywka on | Leave a commentAnalysis of documents held by the Federal Police, which are part of Operation Car Wash’s investigations about Odebrecht, the largest contractor in Brazil, demonstrates whistleblower’s statements that the contractor had access to privileged information from Petrobras, as well as its power of influence in bids made by the state company.
Source: http://oglobo.globo.com/brasil/e-mails-mostram-poder-da-odebrecht-na-petrobras-16721730
Posted in: Without
category | Tagged: Brasil,
wash, corruption,
Jato, Odebrecht
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O Antagonista
PT quer enfiar Temer na delação da Odebrecht
Brasil 09:58
Temer pode ser citado na delação da Odebrecht.
É o que
diz a colunista petista da Folha de S. Paulo, Mônica Bergamo.
empreiteira deu recursos ao PMDB na campanha de 2014, quando Temer
era candidato a vice-presidente na chapa de Dilma Rousseff. O PT
teria participado da negociação para a destinação de dinheiro ao
partido do vice.
Os valores
destinados ao partido, de acordo com pessoa familiarizada com a
delação, poderiam chegar a R$ 50 milhões".
A propina
do PT, portanto, teria sido usada para comprar o PMDB.
É assim
que os petistas pretendem retomar o poder?
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nosso conteúdo exclusivo e as notícias mais quentes do dia em seu
e-mail. Cadastre já!
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