segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2016







Joice Hasselmann


Published on 26 Aug. 2016
I along with democratic movements signed a letter addressed to the UN disassembling fraud created by Lula to achieve Sergio Moro and get political asylum. See my speech during the document signing ceremony. GO TOGETHER MY BRAZIL! SPREAD !!!
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Joice Hasselmann

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Publicado em 26 de ago de 2016
Eu junto com os movimentos democráticos assinamos uma carta endereçada à ONU desmontando a fraude criada por Lula para atingir Sergio Moro e conseguir asilo político. Veja meu discurso durante a solenidade de assinatura do documento. VAMOS JUNTOS MEU BRASIL! ESPALHE!!!
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Brazilian Judges Repudiante  ·
reject Lula's Complaint against     Federal Judge Sergio Moro at the UN

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Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom / Agency Brazil

Sergio Moro: AMB says do with "perplexity" the "attempts to paralyze the work of the Brazilian Justice"
Matthew Coutinho, the Estadão Content

Julia Affonso and Fausto Macedo, the Estadão Content
São Paulo - The Association of Brazilian Magistrates (AMB) showed on Thursday, 28, his rejection of the petition forwarded by the former president of Brazil, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations (UN) in which denounces the judge Sergio Moro and prosecutors working in Operation Lava Jato for "lack of impartiality" and "abuse of power."

For the entity, the International Court should not be used to constrain the progress of any ongoing investigations in the country, and especially those that have as a priority the fight against corruption.

The AMA says do with "perplexity" the "attempts to paralyze the work of the Brazilian justice."
"Brazil has organs made up of internal and external control to monitor the work carried out by the judiciary. It is unacceptable to use any other means other than legal and constitutionally established to try to inhibit the work of public servants in the performance of their duties" says the note.

For the entity, the Judge Sergio Moro, responsible for Lava Jet is an example of intimidation of magistrates throughout the country and "has been a recurring subject of great pressure" for his role in the operation.
In the text, the association also reiterated criticism of Senate Bill (PLS) amending the crimes of abuse of authority.
"Between the lines, the project provides a number of penalties to try to paralyze male and female judges, and prosecutors and police, by playing their office as required by law," says the entity remembering that, if it were in force, the law would remove one operation as the Operation Car Wash.
"The country and the whole society must be aware of the attacks on the judiciary, so that such nonsense does not advance in Congress, with the sole aim of favoring investigated and involved in major corruption cases," follows the note of AMB.
Finally, the organization points out the importance of a "strong and independent judiciary" and says that any counter movement "will be a backlash against transparency and the answer that the Brazilian people waiting to fight corruption."
Topics: President Lula, Lula da Silva, Personalities, Political, Brazilian politicians, PT, Politics in Brazil, UN Operation Lava Jet Sergio Moro

Los jueces rechazan queja de Lula contra el Moro en la ONU
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Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom / Agencia Brasil

Sergio Moro: AMB dice hacer con "perplejidad" los "intentos de paralizar el trabajo de la Justicia de Brasil"
Mateo Coutinho, el contenido Estadão
Julia Affonso y Fausto Macedo, el contenido Estadão
Sao Paulo - La Asociación de Magistrados Brasileños (AMB) mostró el jueves 28, su rechazo de la petición remitida por el ex presidente de Brasil, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, el Comité de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) en el que denuncia el juez Sergio Moro y fiscales que trabajan en la Operación lava Jato por "falta de imparcialidad" y "abuso de poder".
Para la entidad, el Tribunal Internacional no debe utilizarse para limitar el avance de las investigaciones en curso en el país, y en especial los que tienen como prioridad la lucha contra la corrupción.

La AMA dice que ver con la "perplejidad" los "intentos de paralizar el trabajo de la justicia brasileña."
"Brasil tiene órganos compuestos de control interno y externo para supervisar el trabajo llevado a cabo por el poder judicial. Es inaceptable el uso de cualquier otro medio que no sea legal y constitucionalmente establecido para tratar de inhibir el trabajo de los funcionarios públicos en el desempeño de sus funciones" dice la nota.
Para la entidad, el juez Sergio Moro, responsable de la lava Jet es un ejemplo de la intimidación de los jueces en todo el país y "ha sido un tema recurrente de una gran presión" por su papel en la operación.
En el texto, la asociación también reiteró las críticas de la SB (PLS), que modifica los delitos de abuso de autoridad.
"Entre líneas, el proyecto prevé una serie de sanciones para tratar de paralizar a los jueces masculinos y femeninos, y los fiscales y la policía, al jugar su cargo de conformidad con la ley", dice la entidad recordar que, si estuviera en vigor, la ley eliminaría uno operación que la lava Jato.
"El país y el conjunto de la sociedad debe ser consciente de los ataques contra el poder judicial, por lo que tal absurdo no avanza en el Congreso, con el único objetivo de favorecer investigado y participado en importantes casos de corrupción", sigue la nota de la AMB.
Por último, la organización señala la importancia de un "poder judicial fuerte e independiente" y dice que cualquier movimiento contrario "será una reacción en contra de la transparencia y la respuesta que el pueblo brasileño espera para luchar contra la corrupción."
Temas: Presidente Lula, Lula da Silva, personalidades, políticos, los políticos brasileños, PT, la política en Brasil, la ONU Operación lava Jet Sergio Moro
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Juízes repudiam denúncia de Lula contra Moro na ONU - via @exame



Brasil 29/07/2016 09:12
Juízes repudiam denúncia de Lula contra Moro na ONU
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Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil

Sergio Moro: a AMB diz ver com "perplexidade" as "tentativas de paralisar o trabalho da Justiça brasileira"
Mateus Coutinho, do Estadão Conteúdo
Julia Affonso e Fausto Macedo, do Estadão Conteúdo
São Paulo - A Associação dos Magistrados Brasileiros (AMB) manifestou nesta quinta-feira, 28, seu repúdio à petição encaminhada pelo ex-presidente da República, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, ao Comitê de Direitos Humanos da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) na qual denuncia o juiz Sérgio Moro e os procuradores da República que atuam na Operação Lava Jato por "falta de imparcialidade" e "abuso de poder."
Para a entidade, a Corte Internacional não deve ser utilizada para constranger o andamento de quaisquer investigações em curso no País e, principalmente, aquelas que têm como prioridade o combate à corrupção.

A AMB diz ver com "perplexidade" as "tentativas de paralisar o trabalho da Justiça brasileira".
"O Brasil possui órgãos constituídos de controle interno e externo para acompanhar o trabalho desempenhado pela magistratura. É inadmissível a utilização de quaisquer outros meios, que não os legais e constitucionalmente estabelecidos, para tentar inibir o trabalho de agentes públicos no desempenho de suas funções", diz a nota.
Para a entidade, o juiz Sérgio Moro, responsável pela Lava Jato é exemplo da intimidação aos magistrados de todo o País e "tem sido alvo recorrente de grande pressão" por sua atuação na operação.
No texto, a associação ainda reitera as críticas ao Projeto de Lei do Senado (PLS) que altera os crimes de abuso de autoridade.
"Nas entrelinhas, o projeto prevê uma série de penalidades para tentar paralisar juízes e juízas, além de procuradores e policias, por desempenharem o seu ofício como determina a legislação", diz a entidade lembrando que, caso estivesse em vigor, a lei inviabilizaria uma operação como a Lava Jato.
"O País e toda a sociedade precisam estar atentos aos ataques contra o Poder Judiciário, para que tal absurdo não avance no Congresso Nacional, com o único objetivo de favorecer investigados e envolvidos em grandes casos de corrupção", segue a nota da AMB.
Por fim, a entidade aponta a importância de um "Judiciário forte e independente" e diz que qualquer movimento contrário "será um retrocesso contra a transparência e a resposta que o povo brasileiro espera no combate à corrupção".
Tópicos: Presidente Lula, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Personalidades, Políticos, Políticos brasileiros, PT, Política no Brasil, ONU, Operação Lava Jato, Sérgio Moro
Assine EXAME



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The Americas
How Brazil’s Lula Conned the World
The World Bank rates Brazil at 174th of 189 economies in ‘starting a business.’

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and former President Lula da Silva. Photo: Zuma Press
Mary Anastasia O’Grady
The 2016 Olympic Games kicked off in Rio de Janeiro on the weekend without major incidents. That seemed a near miracle after weeks of grim reports about shoddy construction, an unprepared security detail and monstrous traffic jams. Whether the athletes, visitors and Cariocas (as Rio residents are known) can get through the next two weeks without a catastrophe remains an open question.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Then again, when Rio won the competition in 2009 to host these games, Brazil wasn’t forecast to look like it does today—with a budget deficit equal to some 8% of gross domestic product, inflation near 10%, two years of economic contraction and a cesspool of corruption scandals.
In 2009, President Lula da Silva of the Workers’ Party (PT) had been at the helm for more than six years and was somewhat of a world rock star. His hip rhetoric denigrated the economic liberalism of the 1990s while hyping a new and improved brand of socialism with a samba twist.
Much of the region bought Lula’s 2.0 version of big government. Concerns about the return of left-wing Latin populism and its potential damage to entrepreneurship and economic growth were met with assurances that this time would be different.
Lula was a man of the left but he wasn’t Hugo Chávez, conventional wisdom explained. A November 2009 Economist magazine cover story was titled “Brazil takes off.” It cited a forecast by the consulting firm PwC that by 2025 São Paulo would be the world’s fifth-wealthiest city. Most of punditry agreed: Brazil was on course to take its rightful place as a world economic superpower.

Lula stepped down after two terms in 2011, handing power to his PT successor, President Dilma Rousseff. The 2016 Olympics were supposed to showcase the socialist paradise he had cultivated: an urban utopia mixing affordable housing, national industrial champions and orderly public-transportation networks to provide a tranquil—and environmentally approved—living experience.
Instead, at the Olympic Village, just weeks before the opening, sinks fell off the walls and there were various other plumbing disasters. The Australian national team fled from its quarters upon arrival because it found, among other things, exposed electrical wires next to indoor puddles of water. Guanabara Bay, the venue for open-water swimming and sailing races, is a giant petri dish of bacteria. A new metro line that was supposed to take visitors to the games ends eight miles short of its promised destination.
The Rio security company that was hired to screen spectators was fired 10 days ago for noncompliance with its contract. Organizers scrambled last week to hire and train a replacement team.
The world seems stunned. It shouldn’t be. Rio is a microcosm of Lula’s Brazil, where bureaucracy runs things from the top down and human beings are an afterthought. The only thing missing in this Rio analogy—so far—is the corruption that flourished at the federal level during 14 years of PT government.
Brazil’s politicians aspire to first-world grandeur but insist on preserving third-world institutions. It’s not because they don’t understand the effectiveness of independent institutions and checks and balances. It’s because they do understand it.
President Fernando Henrique Cardoso of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party was an exception to the rule. During his eight-year tenure ahead of Lula, Brazil discovered macro-stability using responsible central-bank policy, a floating exchange rate and the goal of fiscal surpluses. The central bank adopted enhanced transparency, predictability and inflation targeting, all of which generated market confidence. The central bank also took an active role in supervising government-owned banks to avoid excesses in financing either the state or its cronies.
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Under Lula and later Ms. Rousseff—who won elections in 2010 and 2014—the commitment to fiscal discipline gradually eroded. The government-owned bank Caixa Econômica Federal and the national development bank (BNDES) rapidly expanded credit. This was inflationary and risky, but the central bank ignored the problem.
While Lula and later Dilma were hawking Brazil as a world-class player, they did little to reduce the burden of government on entrepreneurs. The 2016 World Bank “Doing Business” survey, which studies the relative ease of entrepreneurship in 189 economies, ranks Brazil 174th in “starting a business,” 169th in “dealing with construction permits,” 130th in “registering property,” 178th in “paying taxes” and 145th in “trading across borders.” That doesn’t sound like the stuff of an economic superpower.
In late July, Lula was charged by a Brazilian federal court with obstruction of justice in a corruption investigation. Ms. Rousseff has been impeached for cooking government books and is now being tried by the senate. If political fraud for leading a nation to ruin were a crime, they both already would have been convicted.
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E. Taylor Kelsch
Are they still building high-rise condos in Rio and Sao Paulo with maid's quarters?
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dave bartels
No one was conned.
Socialism does not work. Everywhere it has been tried socialism has failed.
History is the great teacher.
15 years ago I foretold the collapse of the EU.
The only thing that can prolong the eventual collapse of the EU is adding more countries or the IMF bailouts.
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Margaret Horn
Obama aided and abetted the fraud and corruption of Lula.  Remember in 2009 Obama offered billions in loan subsidies to Petrobas so they could do offshore oil exploration.  At the same time, he denied offshore oil expansion to our own American companies.  He also has not allowed the the Keystone pipeline to be built.  Obama thought the US would be the beneficiary and market for the Brazilian oil. Instead Brazil made their oil deal with China.  Obama also favored giving a Brazilian company a billion dollar contract to build a light attack plane when we had an American company that had already invested its own money to design and build the plane for less money.  The Brazil deals are only some of the perverse decisions by the Obama administration. Corruption has already been woven into our economy, foreign policy, security, etc. by Obama and company.  Hillary will expand and deepen it further.  We are well on our way to being Brazil and eventually Venezuela. GOP won't help to stop it.
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O ex-presidente Lula, durante o Seminário Nacional do Sistema Financeiro e Sociedade, em São Paulo (SP) - 29/07/2016 (Paulo Whitaker/Reuters)
“Quando o Rio venceu o disputa para sediar os Jogos Olímpicos, em 2009, não estava previsto que o Brasil estivesse hoje nessa situação”, afirma em artigo publicado neste domingo pela editora para Américas e colunista do jornal The Wall Street Journal Mary Anastasia O’Grady. Na sequência, ela cita as graves crises política e econômica que assolam o país. E resume o tom de seu texto no título: “Como Lula enganou o mundo”.
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Mary Anastasia abre seu artigo citando o início “sem incidentes” da Olimpíada carioca – e ressalta que isso surpreende, dada a avalanche de notícias negativas que antecederam os Jogos. Mas lembra que ainda é cedo para saber se os turistas e cariocas passarão os próximos quinze dias livres de uma catástrofe. Na sequência, a colunista ressalta como a retórica lulista (mantida nos anos seguintes por sua sucessora, Dilma Rousseff) ocultou os problemas do país e o fato de que, mesmo nos anos de bonança, nada tenha sido feito para reduzir o fardo do governo sobre os empresários. “A Caixa Econômica Federal e o BNDES expandiram rapidamente o crédito, o que foi arriscado e provocou inflação, mas o Banco Central ignorou o problema”, afirma o texto. “O Rio é um microcosmo do Brasil de Lula”, prossegue.
A colunista trata também da corrupção na classe política. “Os políticos do Brasil aspiram à grandeza de Primeiro Mundo, mas preservam instituições de terceiro. Não porque não entendam a eficácia

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