quarta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2017



Merecendo destaque Curitiba (A Cidade Berço do Movimento Federalista Brasileiro), Fortaleza (Endireita Fortaleza) além de outras capitais e também destaca-se que octagenário e Empresário e da Questão SIMCOL Gilberto Martins Borges é entrevistado na Rádio Canaã (Horário Local)



Neste domingo, 03 de dezembro de 2017, milhares de pessoas saíram nas ruas de diversas capitais brasileiras. Em cidades de maior porte como Rio, São Paulo somente tivemos a participação da mídia alternativa intensamente, fonte de nossas textos e fotos. Por outro lado a mídia teve maior participação em Curitiba, Vitória, Fortaleza e até Até a última atualização desta reportagem, a Polícia Militar (PM) não havia divulgado uma estimativa do número de participantes.

A operação conhecida como Lava Jato encontra-se, mais do que em qualquer outro momento desde a sua materialização, sob perigo de desmantelamento. A troca do Ministro da Justiça e mais recentemente a troca do Diretor da Polícia Federal são indícios fortes para isso. Também ocorreram mudanças dentro do núcleo da Polícia Federal com a troca de delegados que estavam à frente das mais bem sucedidas operações de combate às quadrilhas formadas dentro do Governo Federal e Congresso Nacional. 

No Congresso Nacional, cujos membros em sua maioria estão sob investigação da Lava Jato, articulam-se, sem o menor escrúpulo, para implodir a Operação Lava Jato. A população Brasileira está percebendo esses sinais e começam a se mobilizar para reforçar apoio ao Juiz Federal Sérgio Moro, bem como aos Procuradores da República que até recentemente eram conhecidos como os paladinos da justiça.

Os Estados cujas populações defendem o prosseguimento e condenação dos corruptos estão se  mobilizando e organizando manifestações em defesa das instituições de combate à corrupção. São grupos organizados, e que de forma pacífica mas firme, querem passar um recado ao Governo Federal e ao Congresso que não vão ficar apáticos às manobras para acabar com a maior investigação da história do Brasil ao combate à roubalheira.

Apoiadores da Lava Jato fazem manifestação em frente ao prédio da Justiça Federal em Curitiba
Manifestação começou por volta das 15h deste domingo (2); com faixas e cartazes, eles gritaram palavras de ordem em apoio ao juiz Sérgio Moro e à Polícia Federal.

Por G1 PR, Curitiba
03/12/2017 16h48 Atualizado há 23 horas
Manifestação em apoio à Lava Jato reúne centenas de pessoas em Curitiba (Foto: Wilson Kirsche/RPC)
Centenas de apoiadores à Operação Lava Jato fizeram uma manifestação, entre as 15h e as 17h deste domingo (3), em frente ao prédio da Justiça Federal, no bairro Ahú, em Curitiba.
Com faixas, cartazes e um carro de som, eles gritaram palavras de ordem em apoio ao juiz Sérgio Moro e à Polícia Federal (PF). A expectativa dos organizadores é a de que pelo menos 500 pessoas tenham participado do ato.
Até a última atualização desta reportagem, a Polícia Militar (PM) não havia divulgado uma estimativa do número de participantes.
Veja mais notícias da região no G1 Paraná.
Manifestantes demonstram apoio à Operação Lava Jato (Foto: Wilson Kirsche/RPC)

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Globo Notícias
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Grupo protesta em Fortaleza contra 'manobras' no Congresso para 'frear' a Lava Jato

Cerca de 20 pessoas se reuniu na Praça Portugal, onde foi inflado boneco do juiz Sérgio Moro.

Por G1 CE
03/12/2017 19h09 Atualizado há 4 horas


Grupo protesta a favor da Lava Jato em Fortaleza

Um grupo realizou neste domingo (3) uma manifestação a favor da operação Lava Jato, que há três anos investiga casos de corrupção de diversos partidos. Os manifestantes afirmam que o Congresso Nacional realiza "manobras" e elabora leis com o objetivo de "frear" a operação.
O ato ocorreu na Praça Portugal, no Bairro Aldeota. Eles exibiram bandeiras e cartazes defendendo a operação e a condenação de políticos envolvidos em casos de corrupção. Cerca de 20 pessoas esteve presente na manifestação.
Também foi inflado um boneco de cinco metros do juiz Sérgio Moro, responsável pela Lava Jato na primeira instância em Curitiba.
Ato teve boneco do juiz Sérgio Moro na Praça Portugal, em Fortaleza (Foto: TV Verdes Mares/Reprodução)

Manifestantes fazem passeata a favor da Lava Jato em Vitória
Manifestantes fazem passeata a favor da Lava Jato em Vitória
Organizado pelo movimento "Vem pra rua", o grupo saiu em passeata por volta de 11 horas neste domingo (03)
Publicado em 03/12/2017 às 12h25
Atualizado em 03/12/2017 às 12h37
Manifestantes fazem passeata na Avenida Dante Michelini neste domingo (03)
Foto: Vinícius Valfré
Um grupo de manifestantes fez um protesto a favor da Lava Jato na Avenida Dante Michelini, em Vitória, no fim da manhã deste domingo (03). Segundo a Guarda Municipal, cerca de 30 pessoas participam do movimento.
Ainda de acordo com a Guarda, os manifestantes começaram a passeata por volta de 11 horas. O grupo, organizado pelo movimento "Vem pra rua", estava concentrado na altura do Píer de Iemanjá, próximo ao K1, e saiu em direção a Jardim Camburi. 
"Lula não é bem-vindo em Vitória, ele é corrupto (...). Ele quer ir para a Praça Costa Pereira porque lá ele dá um pão com mortadela para população. Aqui eu vim de graça", afirmou, no microfone, o manifestante Alberto Campos.
Apesar da afirmação de Campos, outro manifestante anunciou que o ato é em defesa da Lava Jato e não contra um partido político.
Acompanhados de um trio elétrico, os manifestantes caminharam pela Rua de Lazer com bandeiras do Brasil e do Espírito Santo.
Temas relacionados:

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(DECEMBER 3, 2017)
Particular Emphasis should also be given to “Curitiba” - “Paraná” State’s Capital (The Federalism Movement Birthplace) also “Fortaleza” (“Ceará” ) special metion to “Endireita Fortaleza” Movement) and “Vitória” (Espírito Santo) and SIMCOL issue octogenarian Entrepreneur Gilberto Martins Borges will be interviewed a at Canaã Radio (96.5) from 7 to 8 A.M (local time)


This Sunday, December 3, 2017, thousands of people took to the streets of several Brazilian capitals. In larger cities like Rio, São Paulo we only had the participation of the alternative media intensely, source of our texts and photos. On the other hand, the media had greater participation in Curitiba, Vitória, Fortaleza and until the last update of this report, the Military Police (PM) had not disclosed an estimate of the number of participants.

The operation known as Car Wash is more than at any time since its materialization, in danger of dismantling. The exchange of the Minister of Justice and more recently the exchange of the Director of the Federal Police are strong indications for this. There were also changes within the core of the Federal Police with the exchange of delegates who were at the forefront of the most successful operations to combat the gangs formed within the Federal Government and National Congress.

In the National Congress, whose members are mostly under investigation by Operation Car Wash they articulate, without the slightest scruple, to implode it. The Brazilian population is perceiving these signs and beginning to mobilize to reinforce support for Federal Judge Sérgio Moro, as well as Attorneys General of the Republic who until recently were known as the paladins of justice.

States whose populations advocate the prosecution and conviction of the corrupt are mobilizing and organizing demonstrations in defense of anti-corruption institutions. They are organized groups, and that in a peaceful but firm way, they want to send a message to the Federal Government and to the Congress that they will not be apathetic to the maneuvers to end the greatest investigation in the history of Brazil in the fight against robbery.


Simcol's Owner Devastating Interview against Caio Asfor will be broadcast on Thursday
Gilberto Borges defends, among other things, the lawyer's accusation questioning his mental health

Businessman Gilberto Borges
12/5/2017 query_builder 8:25
The entrepreneur Gilberto Borges gave an interview to the radio program Ceará News, which aired on Thursday (7). He reported his fight to recover R $ 7 million unduly withdrawn from the failed bankruptcy of the company Simcol by the office Rocha, Marinho and Sales, the lawyer Caio Asfor.
Gilberto defended himself, among other things, from Caio' accusation that he was not right in the head.
Check out the passage

Do not miss
The full interview will air on Thursday on the Ceará News radio show, Facebook and Ceará News 7 portal.


Supporters of Operation Car Wash demonstrate in front of the Federal Justice building in Curitiba
Manifestation began around 3pm this Sunday (2); with banners and posters, they shouted slogans in support of Judge Sérgio Moro and the Federal Police.

By G1 PR, Curitiba

03/12/2017 16h48 Last modified 23 hours ago

Demonstration in support of Lava Jato brings together hundreds of people in Curitiba (Photo: Wilson Kirsche / RPC)

Hundreds of supporters of Operation Lava Jato demonstrated from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday (3), in front of the Federal Justice building, in the Ahú district of Curitiba.
With banners, posters and a sound car, they shouted slogans in support of Judge Sérgio Moro and the Federal Police (PF). The expectation of the organizers is that at least 500 people have participated in the act.
Until the last update of this report, the Military Police (PM) had not disclosed an estimate of the number of participants.

See more news from the region at G1 Paraná.

Protesters Demonstrate Support for Operation Car Wash (Photo: Wilson Kirsche / RPC)
    • Curitiba
    • Federal police
    • Sérgio Moro

Gilmar Mendes says that Operation Car Wash went on to adopt provisional 'eternal'

In an event in Brasilia, STF minister again criticized judicial decisions taken by judges responsible for the Lava Jato lawsuits. He further stated that, perhaps, the goal is 'to obtain deportation'.

© Copyright 2000-2017 Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A.





Group protests in Fortaleza against 'maneuvers' in Brazilian Congress to 'brake' Operation Car Wash
About 20 people gathered in Praça Portugal, where the puppet of Judge Sérgio Moro was inflated.

Group protests in favor of Operation Car Wash in Fortaleza

A group on Sunday held a demonstration in favor of the Lava Jato operation, which has been investigating corruption cases in various parties for three years. Protesters say the National Congress is carrying out "maneuvers" and drafting laws aimed at "slowing down" the operation.

The act took place in Praça Portugal, Bairro Aldeota. They displayed banners and posters advocating the operation and conviction of politicians involved in corruption cases. About 20 people were present at the demonstration.
Also inflated was a five-meter puppet of Judge Sérgio Moro, responsible for Operatio Car Wash at the first instance in Curitiba.

Act had the puppet of Judge Sérgio Moro in Praça Portugal, in Fortaleza (Photo: TV Verdes Mares / Reproduction)


Protesters marched in favor of Operation Car Wash in Vitória
Protesters marched in favor of Lava Jato in Vitória
Organized by the movement "Take to the streets", the group went out in a rally around 11 o'clock this Sunday (03)
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Posted 2 months ago at 12h25
Updated 03/12/2017 at 12:37 p.m.

Gazeta Online

Protesters marched on Dante Michelini Avenue on Sunday (03)
Photo: Vinícius Valfré
Manifestantes fazem passeata na Avenida Dante Michelini neste domingo (03)
Foto: Vinícius Valfré

Despite calling for the support of the population twice this week, once in Rio de Janeiro and another while reading a manifesto during a press conference on Wednesday (29), prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol, coordinator of Operation Car Wash in the Federal Public Ministry MPF), said that the envisaged acts should not serve as a thermometer of the population's support for the investigations.

"Some research shows that what is most decisive in systemic changes against corruption and significant changes is not so much the population going on the street. The population going to the streets has an important role to play, this happens and happened in several democracies at critical moments, "he said. "Now what we see in the past in other countries is that more consistent changes have taken place through the articulation of the various entities of civil society, the associations of components of public bodies. It was this articulation of representative people, of society leaders, of civil society entities that brought deeper and more permanent changes, "added the coordinator of the operation.

December 2


The Public Prosecutor's Office, when it makes a complaint public, at least already has factual elements to take its accusatory part to the Judiciary. This can only determine the opening of a process with evidence of prosecution (MP).
Thus, Mr. Gilberto Martins Borges demonstrates about the fraud suffered by the bankrupt estate Sincol, a company in the civil construction sector that had to recognize bankruptcy, but re-raise objectives.
Unscrupulous interests are behind the decree of his bankruptcy. Gang members from various sectors seek, without the slightest modesty on the part of its members, to tarnish the honor of people who for a lifetime have worked to build a patrimony with which they could offer dignity for themselves in old age and for their family members.

As the report shows, and if it was published because there is a legal basis in its public manifestation, the Public Prosecutor already has elements to promote investigations against the accused, so much that complaint has already been made.
The people mentioned in the denunciation attempt to denigrate the image of Mr. Gilberto Martins in an attempt, in an act of desperation but of no use, to offend his dignity. This is at least a crime, in the criminal definition of defamation and libel. On the contrary, this will not stop Gilberto Martins Borges, especially now have the support of the Federal Public Ministry, representative body of the company charged with being a prosecutor.

Report and Publication:


Caio Asfor and Sérgia Miranda ahead of scheme that took R $ 7 million from businessman
Law firm Rocha, Marinho and Sales, with the aid of the distributor dismissed from the ECJ, took undue money from Simcol
MPF denounces Sérgia Miranda for fraud at Simcol and should investigate Caio Asfor.
"Sampaio e Tavares Advocacia e Consultoria" and "Rocha, Marinho e Sales" would be lin
ked by means of “laranjas-oranges” ('laranja' in figurated Portuguese is one who 'lends' ones name to hide beneficiary of crime).

Caio Asfor calls the complaint of businessman who lost $ 7 million of fake news
The lawyer's office, in a note, still insinuates that Gilberto Borges is not well off the head for being 90 years old and claim compensation for the loss he suffered.


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