segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2016




‘É uma aberração’, diz procurador sobre MP dos acordos de leniência

Procurador diz que tentativa de alterar lei é ataque direto à Lava-Jato

por Cleide Carvalho e Luigi Poniwass, especial para O GLOBO
/ Atualizado
 - Giuliano Gomes / Agência O Globo

SÃO PAULO, CURITIBA — O procurador Deltan Dallagnoll criticou duramente nesta sexta-feira o relatório do deputado Paulo Teixeira (PT-SP) sobre a Medida Provisória 703/2015
 (, que altera as regras do acordo de leniência, apresentado na última terça-feira à Comissão Especial Mista da Câmara e do Senado. Dallagnoll afirmou que o relatório é "um ataque direto à Lava-Jato" e que a investigação pode sofrer ataques em várias frentes. A votação do relatório foi adiada para o próximo dia 10 e o prazo final da comissão é 29 de maio. A relatora revisora da MP é a senadora Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR), investigada na Lava-Jato.
- É uma aberração - afirmou Dallagnol, um dos porta-vozes da força-tarefa da Lava-Jato.
Dallagnol afirmou que, se aprovada a Medida Provisória, o crime de cartel, como o que ocorreu na Petrobras, deixará de ser considerado crime de corrupção. Além disso, permitirá que as empresas possam apenas pagar multas para compensar ilícitos, sem que reconheçam ter cometido crimes, o que desestimula a entrega de fatos novos que possam ser investigados.
Veja também
A MP 703 permite que os acordos de leniência sejam feitos diretamente com a advocacia pública, sem participação do Ministério Público, e impede o compartilhamento de provas com investigações criminais. Outra mudança é em relação aos acordos de delação premiada, que não poderão ser firmados com acusados que estejam presos.
- Isso significa que um acordo feito num município, com um advogado contratado pelo prefeito, pode impedir que seja aberta uma ação de improbidade - afirmou o procurador.
Ao apresentar mais duas denúncias à Justiça Federal de Curitiba, contra o ex-senador Gim Argello e o empresário Ronan Maria Pinto, além de outras 18 pessoas, Dallagnol afirmou que é preciso refletir e repensar a República, pois o Brasil vive uma inundação de corrupção e é necessário que haja uma reação institucional, com "muros que nos protejam", como a reforma do sistema de Justiça e a reforma política.
- O envolvimento de pessoas de tamanha importância em crimes tão graves na nossa República nos faz repensar o próprio funcionamento dela. Estamos vivendo uma inundação de corrupção e tirando essa água com baldes. Precisamos de barragens, muros que nos protejam dessa inundação, e isso só vai acontecer com a reforma do sistema de Justiça e com uma reforma política consistente - afirmou
Dallagnol afirmou que, dois anos após o início da Lava-Jato, preocupa ao Ministério Público que não exista nenhum movimento concreto em defesa dessas reformas.
- Carecemos de líderes que levantem essas bandeiras. Se isso não acontecer, vamos continuar enxugando gelo e dando murro em ponta de faca - disse ele.

No relatório do deputado Paulo Teixeira, o acordo de leniência passa a ser firmado pelos “órgãos de controle interno, de forma isolada ou em conjunto com o Ministério Público ou com a Advocacia Pública”. Ou seja, passam a negociar diretamente com as empresas envolvidas. O relatório exclui a exigência de as empresas apresentarem documentos de "forma célere" e passa a prever isenção de penas que embaracem a participação das empresas em licitações públicas ou as impeçam de celebrar contratos administrativos; proíbe que se aplique às empresas que fecharem acordo “qualquer outra sanção de natureza pecuniária decorrente das infrações especificadas no acordo” e a multa é reduzida em até dois terços. Caso a empresa seja a primeira a firmar um acordo, é possível eliminar totalmente o pagamento de multas.
Outra mudança é que o acordo de leniência feito com as advocacias públicas passam a inviabilizar o ajuizamento ou prosseguimento de ações civis e com base na lei anticorrupção.
A Procuradora-Geral da República pediu a suspensão da eficácia da MP ao Supremo Tribunal Federal na ação direta de inconstitucionalidade movida pelo PPS. A MP 703 foi assinada pela presidente Dilma Rousseff e publicada no Diário Oficial da União no dia 21 de dezembro do ano passado.

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Gleisi Hoffmann e Paulo Bernardo são denunciados por Janot na Lava Jato

O casal e mais um empresário são acusados de corrupção e lavagem.
Defesa alega que Gleisi e o marido não receberam propina do esquema.

Mariana OliveiraDa TV Globo, em Brasília

O procurador-geral da República, Rodrigo Janot, denunciou ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), em um dos processos da Operação Lava Jato, a senadora Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR), o marido dela, o ex-ministro do Planejamento e das Comunicações Paulo Bernardo, e o empresário Ernesto Kugler, ligado ao casal.

Os três são acusados de corrupção passiva e lavagem de dinheiro por suposto recebimento de valores desviados da Petrobras para a campanha de Gleisi ao Senado em 2010. Janot afirma na denúncia que delações premiadas da Lava Jato e provas obtidas a partir delas apontam indícios suficientes do envolvimento do trio em atos de corrupção.
Senadora de primeiro mandato, Gleisi é uma das principais defensoras da presidente Dilma Rousseff no Congresso Nacional. A petista chegou a chefiar a Casa Civil no primeiro mandato de Dilma, mas deixou o primeiro escalão para concorrer ao governo do Paraná, em 2014. Ela acabou na terceira colocação da disputa eleitoral. Atualmente, a parlamentar paranaense integra a comissão especial do impeachment no Senado.
Ex-deputado federal pelo Paraná, Paulo Bernardo comandou o Ministério do Planejamento na gestão do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Em 2011, quando Dilma sucedeu Lula no Palácio do Planalto, Paulo Bernardo permaneceu no governo, mas trocou de pasta, transferindo-se para o Ministério das Comunicações. Ele deixou a Esplanada dos Ministérios somente ao final do primeiro mandato de Dilma.
Relator dos processos da Lava Jato no STF, o ministro Teori Zavascki terá de submeter a denúncia da PGR à análise da Segunda Turma do tribunal, composta por cinco magistrados.
Se os ministros decidirem receber a denúncia, Gleisi e Paulo Bernardo vão virar réus na ação penal. O caso está tramitando no Supremo porque Gleisi tem foro privilegiado por ser senadora.
Se Gleisi, Paulo Bernardo e o empresário Ernesto Kugler se tornarem réus, terá início, então, a fase de coleta de provas e testemunhos. Só depois de concluída a etapa de instrução e produção de provas é que o Supremo julgará se eles serão condenados ou absolvidos.
saiba mais
A acusação

Segundo o Ministério Público, Gleisi é acusada de receber R$ 1 milhão em propina do esquema de corrupção que atuava na Petrobras. A senadora petista foi citada nas delações premiadas do doleiro Alberto Yousseff e do ex-diretor da Petrobras Paulo Roberto Costa.
De acordo com os relatos dos dois delatores, houve pagamento indevido de R$ 1 milhão para a campanha de Gleisi ao Senado, em 2010. Yousseff e Costa afirmam que o dinheiro foi repassado a pedido de Paulo Bernardo, que, à época, estava à frente do Ministério do Planejamento.
O doleiro contou aos procuradores da República que o pedido de recursos foi feito por Ernesto Kugler Rodrigues, amigo do casal. O empresário nega ter atuado na campanha da senadora.
Antonio Carlos Pieruccini, um novo delator da Lava Jato, disse que transportou a propina para Gleisi, em dinheiro em espécie, de São Paulo para Curitiba em quatro viagens. Pieruccini afirmou que entregou o dinheiro para Ernesto Kugler.
“Indagado acerca dos fatos constantes do anexo 01 (senadora Gleisi Hoffmann) afirmou: que, em 2010, o declarante transportou R$ 1.000.000,00 (um milhão de reais) de São Paulo para Curitiba, a pedido de Alberto Yousseff; que Alberto Yousseff disse que os valores se destinavam à então candidata à senadora Gleisi Hoffmann; que Alberto Yousseff disse que os valores seriam usados para o financiamento da campanha de Gleisi Hoffmann; que a conversa inicial com Alberto Yousseff ocorreu provavelmente em fevereiro ou março”, relata trecho da delação premiada de Pieruccini.
No fim de março, Gleisi Hoffmann e o marido dela foram indiciados pela Polícia Federal (PF) por corrupção passiva. O indiciamento consiste numa conclusão do delegado de polícia acerca das suspeitas sobre um investigado e, em geral, precede a formulação de denúncia pelo Ministério Público, que pode ou não concordar com as conclusões da PF.
A investigação da Polícia Federal concluiu que há indícios suficientes de que a campanha da petista ao Senado recebeu R$ 1 milhão em recursos desviados da Petrobras.
O indiciamento da senadora do PT, entretanto, é alvo de questionamento porque o STF decidiu, em 2006, que parlamentares não podem ser indiciados pela polícia. Em abril, o procurador-geral da República chegou a enviar parecer ao tribunal contestando o indiciamento de Gleisi pela PF. Para o chefe do Ministério Público, os inquéritos criminais que tramitam na Suprema Corte envolvendo autoridades públicas não podem ser objeto de indiciamento.
A senadora Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR) e o seu marido, o ex-ministro Paulo Bernardo (Foto: Antonio Cruz / Agência Brasil e Reprodução EPTV)
O que disseram as defesas dos suspeitos
Por meio de nota, os advogados Rodrigo Mudrovitsch e Veronica Abdala Sterman disseram ter recebido com "inconformismo" a denúncia da senador a do PT (leia a íntegra do comunicado ao final desta reportagem). Segundo os defensores, as provas obtidas no inquérito comprovam que ela não recebeu propina do esquema de corrupção.
"[A denúncia] baseia-se apenas em especulações que não são compatíveis com o que se espera de uma acusação penal", diz trecho do comunicado.
Rodrigo Mudrovitsch e Veronica Abdala Sterman também são responsáveis pela defesa de Paulo Bernardo. Em outra nota, os criminalistas afirmaram que as referências ao ex-ministro na denúncia se baseiam em "declarações contraditórias e inverossímeis".
"Não houve qualquer envolvimento dele com os fatos narrados na denúncia. Demonstraremos isso com veemência e acreditamos que a denúncia não pode ser recebida", enfatizam os advogados na nota.
Responsável pela defesa do empresário Ernesto Kugler, o advogado Cal Garcia afirmou ao G1 que não iria comentar a denúncia da Procuradoria Geral da República.
Leia a íntegra das notas divulgadas pela defesa dos suspeitos
Nota divulgada pela defesa de Gleisi Hoffmann
É com inconformismo que recebemos a notícia de que o PGR apresentou denúncia em desfavor da senadora Gleisi Hoffmann.
Todas as provas que constam no inquérito comprovam que não houve solicitação, entrega ou recebimento de nenhum valor por parte da Senadora. A denúncia sequer aponta qualquer ato concreto cometido. Baseia-se apenas em especulações que não são compatíveis com o que se espera de uma acusação penal.
São inúmeras as contradições nos depoimentos dos delatores que embasam a denúncia, as quais tiram toda a credibilidade das supostas delações. Um deles apresentou, nada mais, nada menos, do que seis versões diferentes para esses fatos, o que comprova ainda mais que eles não existiram.
Ao apagar das luzes, depois de um ano e meio da abertura do inquérito, uma terceira pessoa aparece disposta a dizer que teria realizado a suposta entrega de valores, numa nova versão que foge de qualquer raciocínio lógico.  Vale lembrar que esta pessoa é amigo/sócio/ funcionário de Alberto Youssef, o que comprova ainda mais a fragilidade das provas e se vale do mesmo advogado de Alberto Youssef para fazer sua delação.
Rodrigo Mudrovitsch e Veronica Abdala Sterman
Nota divulgada pela defesa de Paulo Bernardo
As referências ao ex-ministro Paulo Bernardo na denúncia baseiam-se em declarações contraditórias e inverossímeis. Não houve qualquer envolvimento dele com os fatos narrados na denúncia. Demonstraremos isso com veemência e acreditamos que a denúncia não pode ser recebida.
Rodrigo Mudrovitsch e Verônica Sterman

ñ Petrobras,

==//== ==//==


"It is an aberration," says attorney on MP of leniency agreements
Attorney says that trying to change law is direct attack on the Lava-Jato

by Cleide Carvalho and Luigi Poniwass, especially for GLOBE
/ Updated
 - Giuliano Gomes / Agência O Globo

SAO PAULO, CURITIBA - The prosecutor Deltan Dallagnoll harshly criticized on Friday the Deputy Paulo Teixeira's report (PT-SP) on the Provisional Measure 703/2015 amending the rules of the leniency agreement presented last Tuesday Special Joint Committee of the House and Senate. Dallagnoll said the report is "a direct attack on Operation Car Wash" and that the investigation may come under attack on several fronts. The report of the vote was postponed to the next day 10 and the deadline of the commission is May 29. The proofreader and also rapporteur MP is Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR), investigated in Operation Car Wash.
- It is an aberration - said Dallagnol, one of the spokesmen of the task force of Operation Car Wash.
Dallagnol said that if approved the Provisional Measure (MP), the cartel crimes  as what happened in Petrobras, will no longer be considered a crime of corruption. Also, it allows businesses to only pay fines to offset illegal without recognizing committing crimes, which discourages the delivery of new facts that can be investigated.

See too
MPF denounces former senator Gim Argello and Ronan Maria Pinto

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The MP 703 allows leniency agreements are made directly with the public advocacy without participation of the prosecution, and prevents the sharing evidence with criminal investigations.  Another change is in relation to leniency agreements, which may not be signed with accused who are arrested.
- This means that an agreement made in a municipality with a lawyer hired by the mayor, can prevent to open one dishonesty action - said the prosecutor.
During the presentation of two more complaints to the Federal Court of Curitiba, against former Senator Gim Argello and businessman Ronan Maria Pinto, and other 18 people, Dallagnol said it is necessary to think and rethink the Republic, because Brazil is experiencing a flood of corruption and there needs to be an institutional response, with "protection walls to ourselves", as the reform of the justice system and political reform.
- The involvement of people of such importance in such serious crimes in our Republic makes us rethink the very functioning of it. We are living in a flood of corruption and taking the water with buckets. We need dams, walls to protect us from this flood, and this will only happen with the reform of the justice system and a consistent policy reform - said
Dallagnol said that two years after the start of Operation Car Wash, concerns the prosecutor that there is no concrete movement in defense of these reforms.
- We lack leaders who holds these flags. If not, we will do continue figuratively going to dry up ice and fighting a courageous battle -  he said.

The Deputy Paulo Teixeira's report,the leniency agreement is to be signed by "organs of internal control, alone or in conjunction with the Public Ministry or the Public Advocacy". That is, start to negotiate directly with the companies involved. The report excludes the requirement that companies submit to "swiftly" documents and now provides for exemption from penalties that embarrasing business participation in public tenders or prevent them from concluding administrative contracts; prohibits that applies to companies that close agreement "any other sanction of a pecuniary nature resulting from the offenses specified in the agreement" and the fine is reduced by up to two thirds. If the company is the first to sign an agreement, you can completely eliminate the payment of fines.
Another change is that the leniency agreement made with public advocacies start to derail the filing or prosecution of civil actions and based on the anti-corruption law.

The Attorney General of the Republic requested the suspension of the Provisional Measure (MP 703/2015) of the Supreme Court on the direct action of unconstitutionality filed by the Party of Progress and Socialism (PPS). The MP 703 was signed by President Dilma Rousseff and published in the Official Gazette on 21 December last year.


05/07/2016 10h41 - 14h05 Updated 05/07/2016
Gleisi Hoffmann and Paul Bernardo are denounced by Janot in Operation Car Wash

The couple and another businessman are accused of corruption and laundering.

Defense claims that Gleisi and her husband did not receive kickback scheme.

Mariana Oliveira Da TV Globo in Brasilia

The Attorney General of the Republic, Rodrigo Janot, denounced the Supreme Court (STF), one of the Operation Lava jet processes, Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR), her husband, the former Minister of Planning and communications Paulo Bernardo, and the businessman Ernesto Kugler on the couple.

OPERATION CAR WASH corruption scheme

Video: the schemechronology
Video: Understand the operation
Video: plea bargaining

which is suspected, accused and defendant

The three are accused of passive corruption and money laundering for alleged receipt of diverted values ​​of Petrobras for Gleisi campaign to the Senate in 2010. Janot said in the complaint that winning vigilantism Lava Jet and evidence obtained from them show enough evidence of involvement trio in acts of corruption.

Senator's first term, Gleisi is a leading advocate of President Rousseff in Congress. The Worker's Party (PT) came to head the Civil House Dilma in the first term, but left the first step to compete for the government of Paraná in 2014. She ended up third in the election. Currently, Paraná parliamentary integrates the special committee of impeachment in the Senate.

Former deputy federal by Paraná, Paulo Bernardo led the Ministry of Planning in the administration of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. In 2011, when he succeeded Dilma Lula at the Planalto Palace, Paulo Bernardo remained in government, but changed folder, transferring to the Ministry of Communications. He left the Esplanade of Ministries only at the end of the first term of Mrs. Rousseff

Rapporteur of the Operation Car Wash proceedings in the Federal Supreme Court, the Minister Teori Zavascki must submit the complaint to the BRAZILIAN FEDERAL PUBLIC  PROSECUTION (PGR) analysis of the Second Chamber of the Court, composed of five judges.

If ministers decide to receive the complaint, Gleisi and Paul Bernardo will become defendants in criminal proceedings. The case is being processed in the Supreme because Gleisi has special jurisdiction to be senator.

If Gleisi, Paul Bernardo and entrepreneur Ernesto Kugler become defendants, will start then the collection phase of evidence and testimony. Only after the completion of the instruction stage and production of evidence is that the Supreme judge whether they will be convicted or acquitted.

Know more

Gleisi denies the tribune of the Senate have received illicit money in the campaign Janot opines against 'indictment' of Gleisi Hoffmann in Operation Car Wash

Justice sees evidence against Gleisi in Operation Car Wash and sends documents to Supreme Federal Court (STF)
In testimony to the Federal Polie (PF), Gleisi Hoffmann denies having received bribes from Youssef The Accusation
According to the prosecution, Gleisi is accused of receiving US $ 1 million in bribes corruption scheme that worked in Petrobras. Senator PT was cited in vigilantism awarded the money changer Alberto Yousseff and former Petrobras director Paulo Roberto Costa.

According to the reports of the two informers, there was undue payment of $ 1 million to the Gleisi campaign to the Senate in 2010. Yousseff and Costa say the money was passed at the request of Paul Bernardo, who at the time was the head of the Ministry of Planning.

The money changer told prosecutors that the request for funds was made by Ernesto Rodrigues Kugler, friend of the couple. The businessman denies having acted in the senator's campaign.

Antonio Carlos Pieruccini, a new whistleblower Operation Car Wash said carried the bribe to Gleisi, in cash, from São Paulo to Curitiba in four trips. Pieruccini said that he gave money to Ernesto Kugler.

"Asked about the facts contained in Annex 01 (Senator Gleisi Hoffmann) said: that in 2010, the declarant transported R$ 1,000,000.00 (one million reais) from Sao Paulo to Curitiba, at the request of Alberto Yousseff; Alberto Yousseff said the figures were for the then candidate Senator Gleisi Hoffmann; Alberto Yousseff said the figures would be used to finance the Gleisi Hoffmann campaign; the initial conversation with Alberto Yousseff probably occurred in February or March, "reports section of plea bargaining of Pieruccini.

In late March, Gleisi Hoffmann and her husband were indicted by the Federal Police (PF) for passive corruption. The indictment is a conclusion of the police chief about the suspicions about one investigated and generally precedes the complaint formulation by the public prosecutor, who may or may not agree with the conclusions of the PF.

The Federal Police investigation concluded that there is sufficient evidence that the campaign of the PT in the Senate received R $ 1 million in embezzled funds from Petrobras.

The indictment of the PT senator, however, is a question mark because the Supreme Court decided in 2006 that parliamentarians can not be charged by the police. In April, the attorney general's office came to send opinion to the court contesting the indictment of Gleisi by Federal Police (PF). For the head of the prosecution, the criminal investigations filed at the Supreme Court involving public authorities can not be indicted object.
Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR) and her husband, former Minister Paulo Bernardo (Photo: Antonio Cruz / Brazil Agency and Playback EPTV)

Senator Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR) and her husband, former Minister Paulo Bernardo (Photo: Antonio Cruz / Brazil Agency and Playback EPTV)

What said the defenses of suspects
Through note, Rodrigo Mudrovitsch and Veronica Abdala Sterman lawyers said they received to "nonconformity" the complaint of Senator the PT (read the full text of the statement at the end of this report). According to proponents, the evidence obtained during the investigation show that it has not received bribes corruption scheme.

"[The complainant] is based only on speculation that are not compatible with what is expected of a criminal charge", says the statement section.

Rodrigo Mudrovitsch and Veronica Abdala Sterman are also responsible for the defense of Paul Bernardo. On another note, criminologists said that references to former minister in the complaint are based on "contradictory statements and implausible."

"There was no involvement with the facts described in the complaint. We will demonstrate this with vehemence and we believe that the complaint can not be received", emphasize the lawyers in the note.

Responsible for defending the businessman Ernesto Kugler, lawyer Cal Garcia told G1 that he would not comment on the complaint of the Attorney General's Office.

Read the full notes released by defense of suspects

Statement issued by the defense Gleisi Hoffmann

It is with nonconformity we received the news that the PGR presented a complaint to the detriment of Gleisi Hoffmann senator.

All evidence in the investigation show that there was no request, delivery or receive any value from the Senator. The complaint points even any concrete act committed. It is based only on speculation that are not compatible with what is expected of a criminal charge.

There are numerous contradictions in the testimonies of whistleblowers that support the complaint, which take all the credibility of the alleged vigilantism. One of them had, no more and no less than six different versions to these facts, which further proves that they did not exist.

As the lights after a year and a half of the opening of the investigation, a third person appears willing to say that would have made the alleged delivery of values, a new version that escapes any logical reasoning. Remember that this person is a friend / partner / employee Alberto Youssef, which further proves the weakness of the evidence and draws the same Alberto Youssef's lawyer to make his accusation.

Rodrigo Mudrovitsch and Veronica Abdala Sterman

Statement issued by the defense Paulo Bernardo

References to former Minister Paulo Bernardo in the complaint are based on contradictory and implausible statements. There was no involvement with the facts described in the complaint. We will demonstrate this with vehemence and we believe that the complaint can not be received.

Rodrigo Mudrovitsch and Veronica Sterman


Gleisi Hoffmann, Paulo Bernardo, Petrobras, Rodrigo Janot, Federal Supreme Court (STF)

See also

Supreme Court decides to remove Judge Sergio Moro investigation of fraud in Planning Supreme Court decides to remove Judge Sergio Moro investigation of fraud in Planning


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Cunha had 15 months of controversy and complaints in front of the House Cunha had 15 months of controversy and complaints in front of the House 05/05/2016

==//== ==//==

Brazil chief prosecutor 'seeks charges for Rousseff' over 'Car Wash' corruption probe

Ms Rousseff has repeatedly denied any wrongdoi
ng in relation to the Petrobras scandal Credit: EVARISTO SAEVARISTO/AFP
ñ Donna Bowater, Rio de Janeiro
Brazil’s most senior prosecutor has reportedly filed a request at the Supreme Court to charge President Dilma Rousseff over claims she obstructed the sprawling probe into corruption at state oil giant Petrobras.
The move - the latest blow to Ms Rousseff as she battles against impeachment - was reported overnight by local media and is also believed to implicate former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and José Cardozo, the attorney general.
The request was submitted to the Supreme Court justice overseeing the massive Lava Jato (“Car Wash”) investigation, which has uncovered a multi-million dollar bribery scheme within state-controlled oil company, Petrobras, according to Folha de Sao Paulo.
If he accepts the request, which is reportedly related to allegations she helped Mr Lula evade prosecution by giving him a cabinet post, the trio will be formally charged and become defendants in a Supreme Court trial.
The reports emerged hours before a senate commission was due to present its recommendations on the impeachment case against Ms Rousseff.

 Former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva  Credit: Andre Penner/AP

It is widely expected that senators will support her removal from office over separate claims of manipulating government accounts when the case goes to a full vote next week.
Ms Rousseff has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing in relation to the Petrobras scandal, despite being chairman of the board at the time.
At an event for farmers on Tuesday, she insisted she would not give up her mandate in the face of growing pressure.
“They asked me to resign many times,” she said. “It is extremely convenient that the victim disappears, that injustice is not visible.
“But I want to say something, injustice will remain visible, very much visible.”
Earlier, Ms Rousseff had welcomed the Olympic flame in Brasília, where it began its 95-day journey around the country ahead of the Opening Ceremony in Rio de Janeiro on August 5.
 Ms Rousseff with the Olympic flame in Brasília Credit: EVARISTO SAEVARISTO/AFP

If she loses the senate vote, she will be suspended for up to 180 days while a trial is held, and will be replaced by her vice-president, Michel Temer, who would be in office during the Olympics.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court will analyse the request to open proceedings against the president in secret, as the claim is understood to be based on wiretapped phone calls between Ms Rousseff and Mr Lula.
The recordings were controversially released in March by Sergio Moro,  the federal judge who is leading the Car Wash investigation. In them, Ms Rousseff appeared to suggest Mr Lula’s appointment as her chief of staff was a move to protect him from prosecution.
Plea bargain testimony from Senator Delcidio Amaral also claimed the president intervened in the corruption inquiry.
Mr Cardozo, the attorney general, said in a statement that the allegations made by the senator were “absolutely frivolous and untruthful”.


08 May 2016, 10:50am


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Brazil: Prosecutor asks probe of Rousseff, Lula, Cardozo

ñ 04/05/2016 09h28
ñ Brasília
André Richter reports from Agência Brasil

Rodrigo Janot Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil
Prosecutor-General Rodrigo Janot has asked the Supreme Court (STF) to authorize investigations on President Dilma Rousseff, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and Attorney-General José Eduardo Cardozo, in connection with a confidential proceeding.
His request was prompted by plea bargaining statements by Senator Delcídio do Amaral that Rousseff and Lula had vested interests in appointing Marcelo Navarro as a Justice in the Superior Court (STJ) to hobble Operation Car Wash investigations on the Petrobras corruption scandal and its tentacles and putting jailed contractors at liberty. José Eduardo Cardozo was the incumbent Minister of Justice then.

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It now lies with Justice Teori Zavascki, the judge rapporteur on “Car Wash” proceedings in the Supreme Court, to decide whether or not to initiate the requested investigation. It is not known when the decision will be announced.
José Eduardo Cardozo issued a note saying that Senator Delcídio do Amaral's statements are “frivolous lies.” For him, “the investigation will only serve to prove that—once more—the senator has not been telling the truth.” Cardozo also deplored that “once again, a confidential investigation has been leaked even before any investigations took place in connection with the false allegations made by the senator in his plea bargaining testimony.”
In a note released around the time Senator Amaral made his statements, Instituto Lula said that former president Lula never engaged in any wrongdoing whether directly or indirectly, and there have been “illegal leaks, unproven allegations, and groundless accusations.”


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