Brazilian grape (jabuticaba)
the new
Brazilian grape (
of a direct tampon election there is a rupture of the rules of the
game and the fancies of a demoralized Congress poisoned by
corruption, which tries to gain delinquent survival, are further
have idealized a new jabuticaba, treated as a "a
false change,"
whereby, if President Temer is removed or quit, his replacement
will continue to practice the same program (with the economic team
immovable), in line with what he accomplished until here.
Brazil is not even for beginners. What some opposition chiefs, naturally led by the opportunists of the Worker`s Party (PT), now try, at any cost, with allegedly democratic airs, is the idea of an early and solitary direct election - to abrogate someone "new" in the presidential chair in the interregnum until the 2018. An invention without size. Nothing more illegal and immoral for the troubled times of politics currently lived in the country. The maroto expedient, easily appealed to by the people, holds undisputed interests of notorious saboteurs of the democratic process. And it has nothing to do with the campaign that in the 80s took root by these bands to end the military regime. From then on, a citizen's constitution, legitimate and written by a representative college, elected by the people, gave form and juridical framework to the popular will. And in it is written Article 81 which determines how, in the event of a vacancy of presidential power, a substitution should be conducted, if that is the case. It would be chosen by the indirect vote of the congressmen. Going against the Magna Carta is an attack on the rule of law. Modifying it according to the specific interests of groups that want to defraud the rules for self-profit is of a sizeless casuistry. After that, there would be only demagogic anarchy, the folly of the commanders, and the consecration of the republic of the way, where everything is possible as long as the leadership clique allows. Flirting with this matriarchal alternative would, in that case, constitute the real blow - quite different from the legal rite that President Rousseff dismissed as impropriety. To deny a model that has worked well or badly helps would-be "home saviors" and their beleaguered followers who want an easy way out of the clutches of the Operation Car Wash, anointing someone who shares their desires. It would be an authoritarian disobedience. A denial of the fact that Brazil has been living for decades a model of direct elections, where the representatives of the Nation are elected from time to time, including Ms. Rousseff and Temer, who arrived there by joint vote. With the new Brazilian grape ( jabuticaba) of a direct tampon election there is a rupture of the rules of the game and the fancies of a demoralized Congress poisoned by corruption, which tries to gain delinquent survival, are further accentuated. Tell the truth as it is: party forces have yet to reach a consensus on the appropriate way out of the crisis. They have idealized a new jabuticaba, treated as a "a false change," whereby, if President Temer is removed or quit, his replacement will continue to practice the same program (with the economic team immovable), in line with what he accomplished until here. A kind of exchange to not change anything. Progress in this direction is small. The reformist coalition still rests on Temer's political trajectory, while the economy begins to react, with projections of growth and revival of normality to the market. In the last few days, the stock market has fluctuated positively, the dollar fell, at the same time that unemployment, interest and inflation indicators were giving a new truce, encouraging the agents. The positive scenarios allied to the time factor have given respite to the president, calibrating his strategy of survival. In general, there is still no satisfactory "Alternative Plan". The situation is not comfortable, but the legends admit that without a new fact, the picture tends to settle for a smooth transition until the electoral deadline provided by law. It is still a relief. If the impasse continues, it is Brazil that loses the most. In the present circumstances, even indirect election can push the country into the terrain of endless judicialization, with appeals and unproductive bargaining. There is no denying the emergence of a conflict of institutions, which is gaining strength in those days. Executive, Legislative and Judiciary - each in its own time - have extrapolated in actions and actions. Fertile field for inciting instability by the agitators on duty. There is no virtuous path in this toad. And it would never be that of an anticipation of the direct.
Brazil is not even for beginners. What some opposition chiefs, naturally led by the opportunists of the Worker`s Party (PT), now try, at any cost, with allegedly democratic airs, is the idea of an early and solitary direct election - to abrogate someone "new" in the presidential chair in the interregnum until the 2018. An invention without size. Nothing more illegal and immoral for the troubled times of politics currently lived in the country. The maroto expedient, easily appealed to by the people, holds undisputed interests of notorious saboteurs of the democratic process. And it has nothing to do with the campaign that in the 80s took root by these bands to end the military regime. From then on, a citizen's constitution, legitimate and written by a representative college, elected by the people, gave form and juridical framework to the popular will. And in it is written Article 81 which determines how, in the event of a vacancy of presidential power, a substitution should be conducted, if that is the case. It would be chosen by the indirect vote of the congressmen. Going against the Magna Carta is an attack on the rule of law. Modifying it according to the specific interests of groups that want to defraud the rules for self-profit is of a sizeless casuistry. After that, there would be only demagogic anarchy, the folly of the commanders, and the consecration of the republic of the way, where everything is possible as long as the leadership clique allows. Flirting with this matriarchal alternative would, in that case, constitute the real blow - quite different from the legal rite that President Rousseff dismissed as impropriety. To deny a model that has worked well or badly helps would-be "home saviors" and their beleaguered followers who want an easy way out of the clutches of the Operation Car Wash, anointing someone who shares their desires. It would be an authoritarian disobedience. A denial of the fact that Brazil has been living for decades a model of direct elections, where the representatives of the Nation are elected from time to time, including Ms. Rousseff and Temer, who arrived there by joint vote. With the new Brazilian grape ( jabuticaba) of a direct tampon election there is a rupture of the rules of the game and the fancies of a demoralized Congress poisoned by corruption, which tries to gain delinquent survival, are further accentuated. Tell the truth as it is: party forces have yet to reach a consensus on the appropriate way out of the crisis. They have idealized a new jabuticaba, treated as a "a false change," whereby, if President Temer is removed or quit, his replacement will continue to practice the same program (with the economic team immovable), in line with what he accomplished until here. A kind of exchange to not change anything. Progress in this direction is small. The reformist coalition still rests on Temer's political trajectory, while the economy begins to react, with projections of growth and revival of normality to the market. In the last few days, the stock market has fluctuated positively, the dollar fell, at the same time that unemployment, interest and inflation indicators were giving a new truce, encouraging the agents. The positive scenarios allied to the time factor have given respite to the president, calibrating his strategy of survival. In general, there is still no satisfactory "Alternative Plan". The situation is not comfortable, but the legends admit that without a new fact, the picture tends to settle for a smooth transition until the electoral deadline provided by law. It is still a relief. If the impasse continues, it is Brazil that loses the most. In the present circumstances, even indirect election can push the country into the terrain of endless judicialization, with appeals and unproductive bargaining. There is no denying the emergence of a conflict of institutions, which is gaining strength in those days. Executive, Legislative and Judiciary - each in its own time - have extrapolated in actions and actions. Fertile field for inciting instability by the agitators on duty. There is no virtuous path in this toad. And it would never be that of an anticipation of the direct.
Carlos José Marques
Sobre o autor
Carlos José Marques é diretor editorial da Editora TrêsMais colunas
Ricardo Boechat
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O Brasil
não é mesmo para principiantes. O que alguns caciques
oposicionistas, liderados naturalmente pelos oportunistas do PT,
tentam passar agora, a qualquer custo, com ares pretensamente
democráticos, é a ideia de uma eleição direta antecipada e
solitária – para aboletar alguém “novo” na cadeira
presidencial no interregno até o pleito de 2018. Uma invencionice
sem tamanho. Nada mais ilegal e imoral para os tempos conturbados da
política vividos atualmente no País. O expediente maroto, de fácil
apelo popular, guarda interesses inconfessáveis de notórios
sabotadores do processo democrático. E nada tem a ver com a campanha
que nos anos 80 deitou raízes por essas bandas para dar fim ao
regime militar. De lá para cá, uma Constituição cidadã, legítima
e escrita por um colégio representativo, eleito pelo povo, deu forma
e arcabouço jurídico à vontade popular. E nela está escrito o
artigo 81 que determina como, na eventual vacância de poder
presidencial, deve ser conduzida uma substituição, se assim for o
caso. Seria escolhido pelo voto indireto dos congressistas. Ir contra
a Carta Magna é um atentado ao Estado de Direito. Modificá-la ao
sabor de interesses específicos de grupelhos que querem fraudar as
regras para autobenefício é de um casuísmo sem tamanho. Depois
disso, só restaria a anarquia demagógica, a insensatez dos
comandantes e a consagração da república do jeitinho, onde tudo é
possível desde que a patota de dirigentes autorize. Flertar com essa
alternativa matreira configuraria, aí sim, o verdadeiro golpe –
bem diferente do rito legal que depôs por improbidade a presidente
Dilma. Negar um modelo que, bem ou mal, vem funcionando ajuda a
pretensos “salvadores da pátria” e a seus seguidores
encalacrados que querem uma via fácil para escapar das garras da
Lava Jato, ungindo alguém que comungue de seus anseios. Seria
um desassombro autoritário. Uma negação ao fato de que o Brasil já
vive, há décadas, um modelo de eleições diretas, onde
periodicamente são eleitos os representantes da Nação – entre os
quais, sucessivamente, Dilma e Temer, que ali chegaram pelo voto em
chapa conjunta. Com a jabuticaba de uma eleição direta tampão há
a ruptura das regras do jogo e se acentuam ainda mais as veleidades
de um Congresso desmoralizado, envenenado pela corrupção, que tenta
ganhar sobrevida delinquindo. Diga-se a verdade como ela é: as
forças partidárias ainda não conseguiram chegar a um consenso
sobre a saída adequada para a crise. Idealizaram, isto sim, uma nova
jabuticaba, tratada como “mudança com continuidade”, através da
qual, caso o presidente Temer seja afastado ou saia, seu substituto
seguirá praticando o mesmo programa (com a equipe econômica
imexível), alinhado ao que ele realizou até aqui. Uma espécie de
troca para não mudar nada. Os progressos nesse sentido são
pequenos. A coalizão reformista ainda se sustenta no traquejo
político de Temer, enquanto a economia começa a reagir, com
projeções de crescimento alvissareiras e a volta da normalidade ao
mercado. Nos últimos dias, a bolsa oscilou positivamente, o dólar
caiu, ao mesmo tempo em que indicadores de desemprego, juros e
inflação davam nova trégua, animando os agentes. Os cenários
positivos aliados ao fator tempo têm dado respiro ao presidente,
calibrando sua estratégia de sobrevivência. Em linhas gerais, ainda
não há um “plano B” satisfatório. A situação não é
confortável, mas as legendas admitem que, sem um fato novo, o quadro
tende a se acomodar rumo a uma transição serena até o prazo
eleitoral previsto na lei. Não deixa de ser um alívio. Se o impasse
se prolonga, é o Brasil que mais perde. Nas atuais circunstâncias,
mesmo a eleição indireta pode empurrar o País para o terreno da
judicialização sem fim, com apelações e negociatas improdutivas.
É inegável o surgimento de um conflito de instituições, que ganha
força por esses dias. Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário – cada
qual a seu tempo – têm extrapolado em ações e atuações. Campo
fértil para a incitação da instabilidade pelos agitadores de
plantão. Não há caminho virtuoso nessa toada. E jamais seria o de
uma antecipação das diretas.
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