quinta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2017

Democratic Opposition of Venezuela awarded Sakharov Prize for human rights

SOURCE/LINK: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/sakharov-prize-eu-venezuela-opposition-political-prisoners-students-a8020746.html

Venezuela's opposition awarded Sakharov Prize for championing human rights

European Parliament rewards courage of student activists and protesters in face of repression by Nicolas Maduro's government 

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The Independent US
A woman argues with riot police in Caracas, Venezuela, on 4 August 2017 Andres Martinez Casares/Reuters
The democratic opposition and political prisoners in Venezuela have won the European Union's Sakharov Prize for human rights.
The European Parliament said it wanted to reward the courage of students and politicians fighting for freedom in the face of a repressive government.
Guy Verhofstadt of the ALDE liberal group said: “This award supports the fight of democratic forces for a democratic Venezuela.”
He urged “the international community to join us in this fight for the freedom of the people of Venezuela”.
The Venezuelan laureates follow the footsteps of last year's winners, two Yazidi women who escaped sexual enslavement by Isis group.

In pictures: The crisis in Venezuela

The award, named after Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov, was created in 1988 to honour individuals or groups who defend human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Other finalists this year included a Pakistani Christian woman who has been on death row for six years, a human rights defender in Guatemala, two pro-Kurdish prisoners in Turkey, a Swedish-Eritrean playwright long held in Eritrea and a Burundian human rights activist.

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7 hours ago
Outrageous. As Venezuela has just had elections where 17 out of 23 governorships were won by the ruling party in front of international election monitors.

Meanwhile Spain beats up grandparents trying to vote.
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9 hours ago
These guy are just a bunch of CIA controlled thugs setting oiut to overthrow an elected leader who resists US imperialism - as seen around the world for decades, most recently in Ukraine and Syria
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9 hours ago
There you go.
The opposition  and "political" prisoners mounting constant violent protest with lethal results -  and the EU give them a prize.
And yet, Catalonia is an internal matter? La La La?
The hypocrisy. Jesus.
Shut up about 'Human Rights'.
 In your eyes, only the Right wing are Human apparently.

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9 hours ago
That is because the eu only supports hard right coups, as in the case of the neo nazi thugs in Ukraine
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7 hours ago
Thats not true. Yes the Ukrainian right supported the ousting of a corrupt president that acted against the constitution but so did the Ukrainian Left and Centre. 
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11 hours ago
If nothing else, these sort of decisions by the EU should be a warning to those Remainers on the Left of policies to come in the intended ever closer union with integrated foreign policy dictated from Washington.
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8 hours ago
I can't disagree with you there.
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11 hours ago
Perhaps Netflix will make a film about them, just like the 'brave resourceful' White Helmets.
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11 hours ago
User Name
The EU doing something right for once.
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  • 3 replies
9 hours ago
What, supporting a right wing coup, as in Ukraine?
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7 hours ago
User Name
Supporting the heroic resistance of ordinary Venezuelans against communist thuggery.
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7 hours ago
Heroic, by assassinating judges, lawyers, MPs and student activists supporting the government?

These are the same people that were part of the previous neo-liberal government that slaughtered thousands on the streets of Venezuela.
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11 hours ago
Whatever's next? A Nobel Peace Prize for Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia's heir apparent, no doubt. On account of his pacification efforts in Yemen.
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  • 2 replies
9 hours ago
Yay, the 'moderate' one!
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7 hours ago
Wenai Prantamporn
Why not.... BHO got one for even less.
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11 hours ago
You couldn't make this s--- up!!
CIA sponsored agents provocateur causing mayhem on the streets of Venezuela (just as they did in Kiev) are 'championing human rights'? 
A prize sponsored by the European Union?  Yeah right!
Let's get the f--- out - dump the Tories and the US and we have a chance
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11 hours ago
Jajaja. I wonder if the opposition mob that burned a black guy alive because they suspected him of being a 'Chavista' will be collecting the prize.
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12 hours ago
Napoleon's Europe
This time last week Venezuela had local elections, the Governing party won 18 out of 23 states.  International observers said the election was extremely well run.  Not a word about this from the UK government, the US government or the EU.  And now the EU give a human rights award to the US backed violent opposition.
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9 hours ago
This is dizzying. Look where all that 'education for the workplace' has got us, deaf, dumb and blind but sooo enthusiastic and open to change. And totally not anything-ist at all, oh no.
(socialists aren't human so that's okay)
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Oposição venezuelana é a vencedora do prémio Sakharov

26/10/2017, 10:24643
Parlamento Europeu atribui prémio Sakharov dos direitos humanos à oposição democrática venezuelana.
Leopoldo Lopéz, na foto, é uma das figuras mais importantes do movimento anti-Maduro
AFP/Getty Images
Mais sobre
O Parlamento Europeu escolheu a oposição democrática venezuelana como a vencedora da edição de 2017 do Prémio Sakharov, distinção máxima no campo dos direitos humanos. Os outros candidatos à vitória eram a activista indígena guatemalteca, Aura Lolita Chavéz Ixcaquic, e o jornalista sueco-eritreu Dawit Isaak, que está preso desde 2001 por publicar informações favoráveis à abertura democrática a Eritreia.
O galardão, é atribuído pelo Parlamento Europeu — do qual António Tajani é presidente –, e é tido como o reconhecimento máximo atribuído a quem se destacou no campo da defesa dos direitos humanos. Tem incluído um prémio monetário de 50 mil euros e pressupõe um aumento exponencial da abrangência das mensagens anti-injustiça.

A escolha da oposição venezuelana surge depois da forte campanha realizada pelo Partido Popular Europeu e o grupo ALDE (Aliança dos Liberais e Democratas pela Europa). Com esta vitória, o Parlamento Europeu (o órgão comunitário que mais apoio público tem prestado à causa venezuelana) volta a lançar uma mensagem ao governo de Nicolás Maduro, depois de ainda neste Verão ter lançado duras críticas ao autoritarismo do seu regime. Vale a pena recordar que este mesmo órgão foi um dos primeiros a anunciar que não reconhecia a Assembleia Constituinte criada pelo regime depois deste ter dissolvido a Assembleia Nacional controlada pela oposição.
A candidatura ao prémio personifica o movimento gerado por ativistas como Julio Borges, o presidente da Assembleia Nacional, e vários outros presos políticos como Leopoldo López, Antonio Ledezma, Daniel Ceballos, Yon Goicoechea, Lorent Saleh, Alfredo Ramos e Andrea González.
Esta é a segunda vez que a oposição venezuelana chega à fase final do processo de atribuição do prémio. A última aconteceu há dois anos, quando o blogger saudita Raif Badawi se sagrou vencedor. No total, três representantes da América Latina já ganharam este prémio — todos estavam ligados a Cuba e ao regime de Fidel Castro.
Na página oficial do prémio, o Parlamento Europeu relembra que actualmente, na Venezuela, “existem mais de seiscentos presos políticos”. Destaca ainda que “desde o início deste ano, mais de 130 opositores políticos do regime foram assassinados” e cerca de “500 foram arbitrariamente presos”.

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