domingo, 17 de setembro de 2017


The American friend
Donald Trump invites Michel Temer to dinner in New York. On the menu, the crisis in Venezuela

MEETING Trump and Temer at the G20: they should align their positions on Maduro (Credit: LUDOVIC MARIN)
Celso Masson

15.09.17 - 18h00 - Updated 15.09.17 - 19h21
The dinner offered by Donald Trump to the presidents of Brazil, Peru and Colombia in New York on Monday, 18, could be the great opportunity for the government Michel Temer to claim the leading role that naturally belongs to the country in South American geopolitics. The chances of this occurring, however, are limited. The political, economic and humanitarian crisis that Venezuela is undergoing today, the main focus of instability in the region, meets the conditions to be the dominant theme in the meeting. And in this matter, Brazil and the United States differ. "President Trump has already hinted that he could opt for the military route in Venezuela, which the Brazilian government does not support," says Oliver Stuenkel, professor of International Relations at FGV in São Paulo. "What this meeting can bring of positive is to coordinate the policies of each country in relation to Venezuela," he says.
US alignment with Brazil on the Venezuelan issue is strategic to Trump for several reasons. The first concerns the position that the country occupies in geopolitics as the largest economic and military force in the region. The second refers to the Brazilian responsibility for the current Venezuelan crisis. The Lula and Dilma governments supported the dictator Hugo Chávez. Michel Temer, while condemning the abuses of Nicolas Maduro, did not create a regional leadership agenda capable of influencing the neighbor's outrages. Now, this window of opportunity is closing: Temer prioritized reforms, is not popular, and would gain little from international action to oppose the American book. It is best to treat Trump as a friend, listen to his advice and show interest in cooperating with neighbors, even with humanitarian aid.

Since 1947, when Brazilian diplomat Osvaldo Aranha has presided over the United Nations General Assembly, Brazil is the first country to speak on the solemnity, which will begin on Tuesday 19. Last year, when speaking for 20 minutes, Temer stated that Brazil wants peace, sustainable development and respect for human rights for the world.



Winners of "The Best of Money 2017" show the way of recovery and reaffirm optimism with the Country
CONFIDENCE The Minister of Finance, Henrique Meirelles (Credit: Marco Ankosqui)
Bárbara Libório
15.09.17 – 18.00

After a difficult period for the Brazilian economy, the changes in economic policy brought the first results and signs of recovery. A recovery that would not be possible without the investments of entrepreneurs who demonstrate to believe in the Country. On the night of Thursday 14, the most relevant companies in Brazil were recognized in the 14th "As Melhores da Dinheiro" Award, an initiative of Editora Três that since 2004 highlights the best private management business in Brazil. The ceremony in São Paulo brought together leaders of the 23 sector champions, as well as five organizations with the best practices in financial management, corporate governance, social responsibility, human resources, innovation and quality. "The crisis can kill, but it was not the
Ilan Goldfajn, president of the Central Bank: disinflation and recovery (Credit: Claudio Gatti)
which happened in Brazil thanks to the businessmen gathered here, the brave Brazilian workers and a well-governed economy, "said Caco Alzugaray, CEO of Editora Três, who presented the" Company of the Year "award to Bernardo Paiva, president of Ambev. For Alzugaray, it is possible to see the end of a difficult but crucial period for the country. "Institutions are working - and a lot - to see Brazil grow," he said. Optimism in the Brazilian economy was reinforced by Central Bank President Ilan Goldfajn and Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles. "The economy is experiencing a period of disinflation and economic recovery as a result of the reorientation of economic policy," Goldfajn said. Meirelles stressed the importance of an economic policy that is not based on increased spending and recalled the legacy of Domingo Alzugaray, the founder of Editora Três, who died in July. "He played a key role in the press, always pursuing the other side and enriching the debate."
"Let's continue investing"

The confidence scenario was reinforced by the president of Ambev, who, in addition to the "Company of the Year" award, ranked first in the Super 20 category, which evaluates the 20 largest conglomerates enrolled in the award. "We believe in Brazil and we will continue investing," he said. The top ten in ISTOÉ DINHEIRO magazine were 0.5% higher in 2016, compared to a GDP of 3.6%. "We can say that there is still debris but that the worst of the crisis has already occurred. has passed, "said Guilherme Afif Domingos, president of Sebrae.

Who will "kill" the Malefactor/criminal/ evil/perverse People?
REALITY Brazilian Federal Supreme Court STF ministers enter session: they, with the Constitution, "will kill" the criminals (Credit: Luiz Cruz / Agência Brasil)

Antonio Carlos Prado
15.09.17 - 18.00
It still hurts our ears the phrase "we will not be arrested"
in poor Portuguese. It is not for the maltreatment of the language, not for the aberration of the conjugation of the verb, because that is until it passes and becomes formality in a Country of thirteen million illiterates, when the most serious (much more serious) is the content of the sentence itself. And also the retinas still hurt the pretension of impunity with which the "we will not be arrested" was thrown in the face. The owner of the pearl, this Brazilian with a beard of shame knows who it is, because in good people it hurts more, much more, things like this: Mr. Joesley Batista, formerly all-powerful owner of J & F. The twists the world gives, and he is now locked, by ironic snare of fate, along with his interlocutor in the crude dialogue that generated the phrase. The corruption partner's name is Ricardo Saud, a former senior director of the company. Joesley's brother Wesley followed the same path, one that has led many people out of their mansions, by court order, and go to live quarrelsome nine-square-foot cubicles with no toilet and no hot water. Wesley is arrested on charges of manipulating the financial market.
We talked about retinas. And our retinas absorbing bags and boxes of money hidden in an apartment in Salvador, like naked eyes looking at eclipse? This also hurts us, just as it hurts us: it is the $ 51 million of Mr. Geddel Viera Lima himself, the crybaby, who cries to the judge, who cries to the jailer when they are going to shave his head in jail, but he does not cry when he catches the people's money when he counts the people's money when he leaves his digital lombrosianas in the money of the people. Ah, the pain of thirteen million unemployed looking at the money stolen at a time when he was vice president of the legal entity department of Caixa Econômica Federal. Good, very good, Geddel is also locked.
FICTION Scene from "The man who killed the bastard": law and democracy win the shot
People were spoken of. Eta people, how much that word passes from word of mouth in the PT class, how it appropriated the mouth of Lula, of the boss of the criminal organization Lula et caterva - Lula, today defendant in six processes and with an assembly line of complaints and inquiries against you. The mouth of the thigh speaks in people, and we do not go crazy, we are not talking about what thigh has mouth, we are saying is that this thigh, nickname of the PT national president and Senator Gleisi Hoffmann in the underworld of corruption, also she walks and starts talking of people. And he seems to suffer from persecutory episodes, he now finds that the tongue-in-cheek Antonio Palocci has given everything he knew about Lula's rottenness because he is in the service of the CIA (cry not, reader, or at least cry laugh). Well, Lula and Palocci were friends even underwater or under millions of dollars, and nowadays it is as safe as possible - deposing Sergio Moro, Lula declared that Palocci is "cool and calculating." As the female prison population says, "when the animal embraces playboy, the language of playboy does not have bone" - that is, one from the other, it is only necessary to do it in alphabetical order. Palocci, the super secret American agent (it has more KGB style), did not honor the teaching of the saint who inspired his mother at the time of his bastism: St. Anthony of Padua. Preached Antonio, the saint, not the Palocci: "if you can not speak well of someone, do not say anything." Of course it is impossible to speak well of Lula. So Palocci, even though he was a Catholic, decided to speak to try to ease his arrest. Here is another lock.
There was talk of a criminal organization. Unbelievable, the gangs are intertwined, never seen so much corruption, never seen so many millions and billions diverted from public coffers. The impression it gives is such that the mud is that if all the money notes of the Widow were placed side by side, with the patience of Job one could organize them by numerical sequence. As has been said, everything is intertwined, it is a ball. Look! It's really mud! Look! Where did so many fools come from? Last week, Michel Temer said that "criminals steal the truth" in the country. He referred only to those who denounce him. ISTOÉ chooses the factional expression in a much broader context: it refers to everyone, all of them, the predators who assault Brazil politically. It's as if Fear was talking about some musicians; ISTOÉ speaks of the orchestra interira. And all this corruption angers. This is all obscene. All this, machadianamente, "exhausts" and "tires". Good Machado de Assis, good "wizard of Cosme Velho", your Simão Bacamarte, from Itaguaí, would do a beautiful job of interning many and many politicians of this "Pindorama, now Brazil!" Of many entrepreneurs, many many contractors, were he not a doctor but, yes, a delegate of the Federal Police. And the Green House would be Papuda. Reals and dollars, millions, billions, have turned into corrupt and corrupting people of the most diverse ideological and partisan colors. Okay, good and wise "wizard", you warned: on the day the Republic was proclaimed, as the proclamation was being drafted, one would see in the country a quantity of corrupt that the "sun never lit."
There was talk of corruption. How did power in Brazil stop at the hands of these delinquents? Where does this Irma come from the embezzlement of public money? Genetics, the cause is not, because the overwhelming majority of Brazilians are honest, we just look at the honesty that is known to be stolen from those who yawn waiting for the overcrowded subways and trains and buses at six o'clock in the morning. Only in Sao Paulo, eight million sleepers every day. And it's mother hand with callus pulling son to day care, it's hand of mother with callus going to the stop to house other's house, it's hand of mother with callus going to factory. No, the Brazilian people are honest. But there is a starting point for the whole knot. The Republic!
It was spoken of Republic. Not because the Republic is a Republic, but because it has been decreed and not proclaimed. Aristides Lobo, shrewd observer, wrote with mastery that the people, astonished, thought that it was a military parade. Deodoro da Fonseca, on learning that a disaffection of his (on his wife) could be the head of the new office of the empire (a rumor born of the mouth of Benjamin Constant) decided to sign the change of regime, even in public square, but in the dependencies of what would now be a city council. Then, it was bad for Brazil. The so-called political class was born and raised and grew and fattened without the least popular commitment - concept developed by the signatory, sadly in Brazil "the people are footnotes, the people are footnotes." deposing Sergio Moro, Lula declared that Palocci is "cool and calculating." As the female prison population says, "when the animal embraces playboy, the language of playboy does not have bone" - that is, one from the other, it is only necessary to do it in alphabetical order. Palocci, the super secret American agent (it has more KGB style), did not honor the teaching of the saint who inspired his mother at the time of his bastism: St. Anthony of Padua. Preached Antonio, the saint, not the Palocci: "if you can not speak well of someone, do not say anything." Of course it is impossible to speak well of Lula. So Palocci, even though he was a Catholic, decided to speak to try to ease his arrest. Here is another lock.

There was talk of a criminal organization. Unbelievable, the gangs are intertwined, never seen so much corruption, never seen so many millions and billions diverted from public coffers. The impression it gives is such that the mud is that if all the money notes of the Widow were placed side by side, with the patience of Job one could organize them by numerical sequence. As has been said, everything is intertwined, it is a ball. Look! It's really mud! Look! Where did so many fools come from? Last week, Michel Temer said that "criminals steal the truth" in the country. He referred only to those who denounce him. ISTOÉ chooses the factional expression in a much broader context: it refers to everyone, all of them, the predators who assault Brazil politically. It's as if Fear was talking about some musicians; ISTOÉ speaks of the orchestra interira. And all this corruption angers. This is all obscene. All this, machadianamente, "exhausts" and "tires". Good Machado de Assis, good "wizard of Cosme Velho", your Simão Bacamarte, from Itaguaí, would do a beautiful job of interning many and many politicians of this "Pindorama, now Brazil!" Of many entrepreneurs, many many contractors, were he not a doctor but, yes, a delegate of the Federal Police.
saída, são os princípios constitucionais pelos quais o STF zela e saberá sempre zelar, até porque é essa a sua função precípua. Os onze ministros do STF serão, enfim, os homens que “matarão” os facínoras.

And the Green House would be Papuda. Reals and dollars, millions, billions, have turned into corrupt and corrupting people of the most diverse ideological and partisan colors. Okay, good and wise "wizard", you warned: on the day the Republic was proclaimed, as the proclamation was being drafted, one would see in the country a quantity of corrupt that the "sun never lit."
There was talk of corruption. How did power in Brazil stop at the hands of these delinquents? Where does this Irma come from the embezzlement of public money? Genetics, the cause is not, because the overwhelming majority of Brazilians are honest, we just look at the honesty that is known to be stolen from those who yawn waiting for the overcrowded subways and trains and buses at six o'clock in the morning. Only in Sao Paulo, eight million sleepers every day. And it's mother hand with callus pulling son to day care, it's hand of mother with callus going to the stop to house other's house, it's hand of mother with callus going to factory. No, the Brazilian people are honest. But there is a starting point for the whole knot. The Republic!
It was spoken of Republic. Not because the Republic is a Republic, but because it has been decreed and not proclaimed. Aristides Lobo, shrewd observer, wrote with mastery that the people, astonished, thought that it was a military parade. Deodoro da Fonseca, on learning that a disaffection of his (on his wife) could be the head of the new office of the empire (a rumor born of the mouth of Benjamin Constant) decided to sign the change of regime, even in public square, but in the dependencies of what would now be a city council. Then, it was bad for Brazil. The so-called political class was born and raised and grew and fattened without the least popular commitment - concept developed by the signatory, sadly in Brazil "the people are footnotes, the people are footnotes." This is where patrimonialism is born. Most politicians mixing the public with the private, which means, in good English, to advance in the money of others and receive bribes to use the public machine in favor of private interests.
There is talk of everything that goes around. And the exit, where is the exit? (former quest of the brilliant playwright Oduvaldo Vianna Daughter). One of the greatest classics of cinema, at all times, is called "The man who killed the bastard" (1962). In it, the character Tom Doniphon (John Wayne) does not believe in the legal system that begins to be born in the USA, the law for him is a revolver and a rifle. Ronson Stoddard (James Stewart), on the contrary, is a newly formed lawyer willing to prove that the law wins the shot. There is a famous bandit in the story called Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin). Everyone thinks that it was James Stewart who managed to duel and kill the bastard, but in fact the one who kills him is John Wayne - and, importantly, his character evolves culturally and politically, he leaves the belt and proclaims the sovereignty of laws and democracy. Well, the exit to Brazil, the only way out, are the constitutional principles by which the STF will and will always know how to watch over, because this is its primary function. The eleven ministers of the Supreme Court will be, in short, the men who will "kill" the criminals.




O amigo americano

Donald Trump convida Michel Temer para jantarem em Nova York. No cardápio, a crise na Venezuela

ENCONTRO Trump e Temer no G20: eles deverão alinhar suas posições sobre Maduro (Crédito: LUDOVIC MARIN)
Celso Masson
15.09.17 - 18h00 - Atualizado em 15.09.17 - 19h21
O jantar oferecido por Donald Trump aos presidentes do Brasil, Peru e Colômbia, em Nova York, na segunda feira 18, poderia ser a grande oportunidade para o governo Michel Temer de reivindicar o protagonismo que cabe naturalmente ao País na geopolítica sul-americana. As chances de que isso ocorra, contudo, são limitadas. A crise política, econômica e humanitária pela qual passa a Venezuela, hoje principal foco de instabilidade na região, reúne as condições para ser o tema dominante no encontro. E, nesse assunto, Brasil e EUA divergem de opinião. “O presidente Trump já insinuou que poderia optar pela via militar na Venezuela, o que o governo brasileiro não apoia”, diz Oliver Stuenkel, professor de Relações Internacionais da FGV em São Paulo. “O que esse encontro poderá trazer de positivo é coordenar as políticas de cada país em relação à Venezuela”, afirma.
O alinhamento dos EUA com o Brasil na questão da Venezuela é estratégico para Trump por várias razões. A primeira diz respeito à posição que o País ocupa na geopolítica por ser a maior força econômica e militar da região. A segunda se refere à responsabilidade brasileira sobre a atual crise venezuelana. Os governos Lula e Dilma apoiaram o ditador Hugo Chávez. Michel Temer, embora condene os abusos de Nicolás Maduro, não criou uma agenda de liderança regional capaz de influenciar os desmandos do vizinho. Agora, essa janela de oportunidade está se fechando: Temer priorizou reformas, não goza de popularidade e pouco ganharia com uma atuação internacional que se opusesse à cartilha norte-americana. O melhor é tratar Trump como amigo, ouvir seus conselhos e mostrar interesse em cooperar com os vizinhos, ainda que seja com ajuda humanitária.
Desde 1947, quando o diplomata brasileiro Osvaldo Aranha presidiu a Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas, o Brasil é o primeiro país a discursar na solenidade, que terá início na terça-feira 19. No ano passado, ao discursar por 20 minutos, Temer afirmou que o Brasil quer para o mundo paz, desenvolvimento sustentável e respeito aos direitos humanos.

A festa do PIB

Vencedoras de “As Melhores da Dinheiro 2017” mostram o caminho da retomada e reafirmam otimismo com o País

CONFIANÇA O Ministro da Fazenda, Henrique Meirelles (Crédito: Marco Ankosqui)
Bárbara Libório
15.09.17 - 18h00
Depois de um período difícil para a economia brasileira, as mudanças na política econômica trouxeram os primeiros resultados e sinais de retomada. Uma recuperação que não seria possível sem os investimentos de empresários que demonstram acreditar no País. Na noite da quinta-feira 14, as empresas mais relevantes do Brasil foram reconhecidas no 14º Prêmio “As Melhores da Dinheiro”, iniciativa da Editora Três que desde 2004 destaca os melhores negócios da gestão privada no País. A cerimônia, em São Paulo, reuniu líderes das 23 campeãs setoriais, além das cinco organizações com as melhores práticas de gestão financeira, governança corporativa, responsabilidade social, recursos humanos, inovação e qualidade. “A crise pode matar, mas não foi o
Ilan Goldfajn, presidente do Banco Central: desinflação e recuperação (Crédito:Claudio Gatti)
que aconteceu no Brasil graças aos empresários aqui reunidos, aos bravos trabalhadores brasileiros e a um governo bem montado economicamente”, disse Caco Alzugaray, presidente executivo da Editora Três, que entregou o prêmio “Empresa do Ano” a Bernardo Paiva, presidente da Ambev. Para Alzugaray, é possível enxergar o fim de um período difícil, mas crucial para o País. “As instituições estão funcionando – e muito – para ver o Brasil crescer”, afirmou. O otimismo na economia brasileira foi reforçado pelo presidente do Banco Central, Ilan Goldfajn, e pelo ministro da Fazenda, Henrique Meirelles. “A economia vive um período de desinflação e recuperação econômica fruto da reorientação da política econômica”, afirmou Goldfajn. Já Meirelles reforçou a importância de uma política econômica que não esteja baseada no aumento de gastos e lembrou do legado de Domingo Alzugaray, o fundador da Editora Três, falecido em julho. “Ele teve um papel fundamental na imprensa, buscando sempre o outro lado e enriquecendo o debate.”
Vamos continuar investindo”

O cenário de confiança foi reforçado pelo presidente da Ambev, que, além do prêmio de “Empresa do Ano”, ficou em primeiro lugar na categoria Super 20, que avalia os 20 maiores conglomerados inscritos no prêmio. “Nós acreditamos no Brasil e vamos continuar investindo”, afirmou. Somadas, as dez primeiras colocadas no ranking da revista “ISTOÉ DINHEIRO”, tiveram crescimento de 0,5% em 2016, ante um PIB que caiu 3,6%.“Podemos dizer que ainda há escombros, mas que o pior da crise já passou”, afirmou Guilherme Afif Domingos, presidente do Sebrae.
Copyright © 2017 - Editora Três
Todos os direitos reservados.

Nota de esclarecimento A Três Comércio de Publicações Ltda. (EDITORA TRÊS) vem informar aos seus consumidores que não realiza cobranças por telefone e que também não oferece cancelamento do contrato de assinatura de revistas mediante o pagamento de qualquer valor. Tampouco autoriza terceiros a fazê-lo. A Editora Três é vítima e não se responsabiliza por tais mensagens e cobranças, informando aos seus clientes que todas as medidas cabíveis foram tomadas, inclusive criminais, para apuração das responsabilidades.


A festa do PIB

Vencedoras de “As Melhores da Dinheiro 2017” mostram o caminho da retomada e reafirmam otimismo com o País

Crédito: Marco Ankosqui
CONFIANÇA O Ministro da Fazenda, Henrique Meirelles (Crédito: Marco Ankosqui)
Bárbara Libório
15.09.17 - 18h00
Depois de um período difícil para a economia brasileira, as mudanças na política econômica trouxeram os primeiros resultados e sinais de retomada. Uma recuperação que não seria possível sem os investimentos de empresários que demonstram acreditar no País. Na noite da quinta-feira 14, as empresas mais relevantes do Brasil foram reconhecidas no 14º Prêmio “As Melhores da Dinheiro”, iniciativa da Editora Três que desde 2004 destaca os melhores negócios da gestão privada no País. A cerimônia, em São Paulo, reuniu líderes das 23 campeãs setoriais, além das cinco organizações com as melhores práticas de gestão financeira, governança corporativa, responsabilidade social, recursos humanos, inovação e qualidade. “A crise pode matar, mas não foi o
Ilan Goldfajn, presidente do Banco Central: desinflação e recuperação (Crédito:Claudio Gatti)
que aconteceu no Brasil graças aos empresários aqui reunidos, aos bravos trabalhadores brasileiros e a um governo bem montado economicamente”, disse Caco Alzugaray, presidente executivo da Editora Três, que entregou o prêmio “Empresa do Ano” a Bernardo Paiva, presidente da Ambev. Para Alzugaray, é possível enxergar o fim de um período difícil, mas crucial para o País. “As instituições estão funcionando – e muito – para ver o Brasil crescer”, afirmou. O otimismo na economia brasileira foi reforçado pelo presidente do Banco Central, Ilan Goldfajn, e pelo ministro da Fazenda, Henrique Meirelles. “A economia vive um período de desinflação e recuperação econômica fruto da reorientação da política econômica”, afirmou Goldfajn. Já Meirelles reforçou a importância de uma política econômica que não esteja baseada no aumento de gastos e lembrou do legado de Domingo Alzugaray, o fundador da Editora Três, falecido em julho. “Ele teve um papel fundamental na imprensa, buscando sempre o outro lado e enriquecendo o debate.”
Vamos continuar investindo”

O cenário de confiança foi reforçado pelo presidente da Ambev, que, além do prêmio de “Empresa do Ano”, ficou em primeiro lugar na categoria Super 20, que avalia os 20 maiores conglomerados inscritos no prêmio. “Nós acreditamos no Brasil e vamos continuar investindo”, afirmou. Somadas, as dez primeiras colocadas no ranking da revista “ISTOÉ DINHEIRO”, tiveram crescimento de 0,5% em 2016, ante um PIB que caiu 3,6%.“Podemos dizer que ainda há escombros, mas que o pior da crise já passou”, afirmou Guilherme Afif Domingos, presidente do Sebrae.
ESTOQUE Bernardo Paiva, presidente da Ambev, recebe o prêmio “Empresa do Ano” das mãos de Caco Alzugaray, presidente executivo da Editora Três (Crédito:João Castellano)

Copyright © 2017 - Editora Três
Todos os direitos reservados.

Nota de esclarecimento A Três Comércio de Publicações Ltda. (EDITORA TRÊS) vem informar aos seus consumidores que não realiza cobranças por telefone e que também não oferece cancelamento do contrato de assinatura de revistas mediante o pagamento de qualquer valor. Tampouco autoriza terceiros a fazê-lo. A Editora Três é vítima e não se responsabiliza por tais mensagens e cobranças, informando aos seus clientes que todas as medidas cabíveis foram tomadas, inclusive criminais, para apuração das responsabilidades.

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